Traffic Violation
There is one traffic vilation repoted for my car on 18 April 2009 @ 2.30 AM. I was on vacation (in india) from 15 April 2009 till 21 April 2009 and i had handed over my car to Toyota showroom for a minor repair on 11 April 2009 and the car is still under their custody. I recieved the trafic violation report from Traffic dept showing the ID card number of the person who drove the vehicle during the reported time of violation. The violation is not reported by radar, but by police on site. I already contacted Toyota showroom and they are trying to wash their hands. Is there any way to get the name of the person/company name by knowing the ID Card number.And if i get the details of the person, what the next step? Appreciate your king advice in this regard. please.
i guess the moral of the story is to get the garage to acknwoledge the milage when you drop the car off. if there is any irregularity then you will know it has been used.
other than that can you prove you were out of the country? i.e flight tickets etc...with this you may be able to prove it wasn't you driving..
I bet they did use it! I once saw my own car parked in town when it was supposed to be in the garage!
This is not an isolated case, as we also had our violation during a weekday when our car was just parked near our house.
I don't think Toyota has used your car without your knowledge. I personally think this is just the mistake of the police as it happens to most people.