Traffic fine

Do any body know the meaning of a traffic violation as stated below?
I got 4 fines each QR 500 with this description and i don't know why i am getting this fine or what type of violation is this?
Can any body please explain what does this mean?
Also i never travelled during those time which is mentioned as the violation has happened. Can any body help me how can i complain at the traffic department about this and get justice?
********* i never presumed that the camera in junction will be taking NICE photographs for speeding also. I was in an impression that those cameras will activate only if you JUMP the red signal...Holy S**T... i was screwed properly last month with these fines....
********* i never presumed that the camera in junction will be taking NICE photographs for speeding also. I was in an impression that those cameras will activate only if you JUMP the red signal...Holy S**T... i was screwed properly last month with these fines....
who said that ?
if u cross 80 only u will get fine ?????????
I got fine when I cross 60 in Bank street Signal ......
so don't think that u can speed up to 80 in signal ........
its depend the road speed limit .......
if road speed limit 40 .......... u shld cross the signal in the same speed..........
who said that ?
if u cross 80 only u will get fine ?????????
I got fine when cross 60 in Bank street Signal ......
so don't think that u can speed up to 80 in signal ........
its depend the road speed limit .......
if road speed limit 40 .......... u shld cross the signal in the same speed..........
don't cry baby.........
Go th madinath kaleefa Traffic Dept. they will give pictures..............
Hi, this is a fine for you that you might have cross signal over speeding of above 80km/ph. I got the same earlier but when you pass signal over above 80km/ph the camera will falsh on to your car, but its not for breaking of signal but for over speeding.
If you need more to know about please contact me....
Ph: 6628294
Be advised that cars are "private vehicles" and pick up trucks and trucks are "private transportation" they can and do have the same plate numbers. Don't pay for someone else's ticket by mistake. You can get the photo of your special moment if you ask for it at the police station they are very accommodating.
Loading the vehicle in a way........... this means that u wer accomodating or picking up some one from the middle of the road without parking the car safely on the side.
anyhow, this is just what it means. but thts very much true tht once u start getting involved in this case they ll later tell u tht it was an mistake stated online and the real fine is for speed crossing.
With whom i have to fight for this in the trffic deprtment?
I have another experience where the trffice police man put sticker in my window saying that i have parked my car in a NO-PArking area. How ever there was no NO-PARKING sign board there.
Further to my compliant, after one week, they send a police man along with me to check the area and still there was no Sign board.
How ever they did not waived the fine for me saying that the fine is just 300 QR and there are many people who pay much more and so i can pay this amount.
Great sence ..right..
this is the reason why i think whether it is of any use to go and fight at the trafffic department.
I also checked today and had a traffic fine for 6000QR. Does anyone know if the "time" column is when the incident happened or when it got loaded into the system? There is no way I was out at 2am and don't think I have ever been to Al Waab. I will try and fight it with the traffic department just curious about the time.
If that be the case, where the fine is for speeding without the black points, then I would accept it and be glad.
If that be the case, where the fine is for speeding without the black points, then I would accept it and be glad.
Its not use to complain to the Traffic Authorities.
They have no one who will listen to you.
The only thing they will agree is that this is a fine for speeding as has already been informed to you by others at QL.
Yes, its speeding fine. We had three or four of same violation in our office all ended up speeding fines with fancy photographs.
Complain all you like - they'll change the charge for you .... to speeding!
The dangerous loading is a nice way to fine you for speeding without giving you the penalty points associated with that charge.