Thinking about moving to Qatar

I am currently living in India having post graduation in MCA & OCP certified with 2+years of IT experience as a Oracle developer.My Mom's brother & his son is there.I also wish to move there if i got a job.They told me that will arrange a visit visa for me come here then search the job.
My question is how i search a job there or How is IT market now in qatar? Is it possible to get a job in IT with in 3-6 months??
I already applied to many companies and many Job portals(monstergulf,qatarconnex,dohacareers etc) bt i didnt get any response yet.So am totally confused about this.Advice from anyone is highly appreciated and it is very helpful to me.pls help me to take a good decision.
yes, i know nobody can give a sure word. bt i thought,people have in same field or in qatar have exp about the market & situations.with the help of that valuable suggestions i can take proper decisions.
Abt may current company,there is no projects so they told me to search another job.
nobody is aware of anything before coming here. No one can guarantee anything. It is 50:50 you either find a job or you don't. Nothing in this life is guaranteed. No need to be confused. Do you have an excellent (or ANY) job back home? if yes, what are you looking for? - stay there. If no, what do you lose by coming here and taking a chance?
Thankyou jeduthun for your reply
am afraid because my relatives is not aware of IT also not aware the IT in Qatar.actually my current company has no projects and i have already loans for my studies.if am not get any chance there it is very difficult to me.this is why am so afraid.if i get a some tips from this,it is very helpful to me...
reply to the first comment:
madame, try to search Zukrof or Economic Group real state. dial the information number 180 then you will find what you seek. : )
jeduthun "the astroboy"
Mr. Praveengnr, just come to Qatar and search for a job anyways you have relatives to live with. Im sure they will help you. Do not be afraid about Qatar as long as you are aggresive and never stop getting yur chances. Don't forget to pray for guidance in every step of your way. : )
jeduthun " the astroboy"
hi guys
pls help me to find out the totally confused.if somebody help me it is really very helpful to me
am new to this forum.. how i revise the topic. i cant see the edit option there.
Hello mackem
i think you may never look at at the above post before putting your comment..pls check before posting the reply.
You should revise your post and make it say "thinkng about WORKING in qatar" you schmuck!
My husband is getting posted to Doha in a few months, can anyone give me some info on renting furnished houses, the nicer places to rent etc.
We don't need to be near schools, but do need to be near the business district.
Hope someone can help.