safety of women

It has been one year since I came to Qatar. I have been hearing about expat women being harrased. I personally never encountered anything like that. But recently my huband's friend was along with his niece was driving in the outskirts of Doha at night( I have forgotten the name of their destination). His niece was having her 9 month baby along with her.
Few Qatari men chased them at 120kmph. They started waving money at the lady. The man got frustrated after sometime and stopped the car asked his niece to lock herself up in the car and got down from the car. But then he realised that there were 4 men( he was under the impression that there was only one.) They all got down and bashed up the man and tried to break open the door of the car in which the lady was sitting. But fortunately they saw few more cars coming in a different direction and left lady and man to the fate. My husband's friend reported the incident to police. Nothing has happend till now.
I understand that this kind things happen in every country. I have such things happening in my country too. So I really don't want to come to a generalised conclusion about Qatar.
But when I came here I was under the impression that in all middle east countries
1. liquor is restricted or prohibited. Specially muslim men don't drink.
2. Women are well protected by law and a woman's complain against a man is taken very seriously by police.
3. Lot of importance is given to etiquette and ethics.
4. Men treat women with utmost polietness and courtesy.
But slowly I understand it is no different here. Being a expat slowly a sense of insecurity is creeping in.
I have 2 daughters . These kind of incidence are really make me feel concern. Kindly advice . Can I send my daughters to near by places or friend alone. till date they have never been alone anywhere in qatar. Now my elder daughter finds me silly and says I am being unduly worried.
Hello shallu
that kinds of incidents are happening Qatar always but little in number.
nobody can hear because,
1-Qatar government want to keep them secret.
2-Police also don't mention to others.
3-who fall on that situation, they also try to keep it secret.
for those reason we cann't hear.
in my opinion, you should not allow your daughter to go out alone or with friends. If you are muslim and your daughter wear hijab than only you
can allow your daughter to go. otherwise they may fall on that situation.
Hello shallu
that kinds of incidents are happening Qatar always but little in number.
nobody can hear because,
1-Qatar government want to keep them secret.
2-Police also don't mention to others.
3-who fall on that situation, they also try to keep it secret.
for those reason we cann't hear.
in my opinion, you should not allow your daughter to go out alone or with friends. If you are muslim and your daughter wear hijab than only you
can allow your daughter to go. otherwise they may fall on that situation.
In fact I know people who have been followed in their cars and the guys show their numbers and follow ladies but never an assault on the road, risky as you can take their license number. I also know women who have been asked how much, they were in shock that they were suspected to be prostitutes. Another friend had a man get too friendly in the elevator at City Center and wanted to join her wherever she was going she told him to get lost. All you need to do is get loud if someone acts inappropriately. In Kuwait they would follow you home, we were told to drive to a Police Station and that would deter them, Qatar is not as bad, but given their is active prostitution things are changing. I would not let young ladies go in taxis alone here!
This is the third time the same story is posted.
But the others were more spicy..
Your post was a relief. Atleast it made me smile.
I dont mind you escorting my daughters but they will remind you , the story"ransome of red chief"Lol. They r typical mumbaites and may be
toooooooo young for your company. Just kidding......
You put those spirits in me anyways.
Have a nice weekend.
The very friend who faced it all told it to my husband. Now after reading all these posts I have started suspecting his intentions. I got too panicky.
Thankyou for your assurence. I am tyring my best to calm down.
Hey there buddy, take it easy,
We got your point, and now stop getting too spaced out and stressed out...
Take care of your family and anytime you want to spend some time at fun jus drop into QL, I'm sure we'd provide you good smile...
Alright having said all that, back to the main topic, you said you had two daughters...and I actually missed that in the mornin ... so just let me and smokey know if your daughters want some good company ... we had be ready to help ya or rather help them out...we are goooood can ask the other lovely ladies at QL...they would vote for us...;)
Anyways that was just being a bit light...but seriously, your girls are our girls, we will take care of them just in that now stop getting stressed out and breathe a little and enjoy Shallu..its a damn weekend mate...
Till the next time...Cheers...
Shallu, I'm sorry. Stay calm...none of my expat friends have had anything at all like this happen to them and some have been here 15years!
I'm confused your original post you said that you're husbands friend was the person that it happened to whereas now you say that it was told by your husbands friend (ie it happened to someone else and not him).
Yes, this was told by my husbands friend.
Why the hell would I like to have any enemies around me being an expat. Being out of my own country is bad enough. Not that my country something great to offer but.....
Anyways I am too stressed up to say anything.
Justice delayed , is the justice denied ...
funnyy .... I admit , Qatari guys might drink,smoke,date but never ever did these bla bla ... I agree with MILA ,, just keep your fingers away from your keyboard for these silly stories ...
wishing you Better luck !!
Take care lady !!
Justice delayed , is the justice denied ...
Shallu - you said that it was your husbands friend that this story happened to.
So is that true, was it your husbands friend?
what surprises me is that when u mentioned u have 2 daughters ksarat didnt jump with joy? strange..i thought he'd say something like Smokey and him could escort your lovely daughters to where ever they want to go..coz i think we both make a very good escorting team..u can ask canarybird :)
I am really sorry. I have no intention of spreading any hatred towards anybody.
Back in my country I have seen so much of hatred that I just detest the idea.
I will more than happy if this story is a hoax. I have my own fears as I have two daughters. I think my decision to post the story was wrong and was due to domination of fear over my sanity.
I am relieved that most of you don't agree with my story which shows people can really scare you specially when you are new to the place.
I apologize once again to all who have been upset because of my post.
I am stopping it right now.
if u want to unlock ur iphone pm me or call 5125244 .
Goooodddddd Morrrrrrrrrnnnnniiinnnnngggggg QLers :)
this type of scam is just trying to put hatred amongst expats and locals, with it its trying to putting down the country as well.
- live your life as simple as you are
- money doesn't create man, but it is the man who created money
- don't do what others say, just listen to them, but do what you feel good
She is right this story has been posted on QL three different times and the originator of the story never ever made a comment.
To be quite honest I think it is a hoax as any yourg Qataris I have ever met are more than forthcoming in fact any Qataris I have met are like the same.
They may be a little aggressive on the road but otherwise not as far as I know.
But I'm trying...
You can't teach experience...
"Make a difference or make way"
Here you go........Ice cream
I am sick of this people who posting such story which is not true. This kind story will only create hatred againts expat with qatari. so STOP this NOW.
Sorry guys, Just bad day. But I am cool. How you doing all???
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Wrong side of the bed babe...did ya wake up...
"Make a difference or make way"
Control your temper gurl U seem angry in the mornin
Good Morning Mila,
what happened to you this morning you are normally purring like a cat always lol.
STOP this SCAM. Its not true. Already 3 people posted similiar story, so get lost!!!!
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Shallu: Sorry to hear such a terrible thing...take care and tell your friend to stay safe...what to do things happen and maybe this place is just starting to expose and bring up its dark never as much as possible stay in the lights...
Farhan: Hey there morning buddy, and yes rightly said, and good reply buddy...
This is the first time I am coming across such an incident.Qatar- after Saudi arabia is suppose to be the safest place for women....But I guess you cant do much about immoral people..All i can say is please be careful & tell your friends the same..But I have a strong feeling that the locals are one of those barking dogs who seldome bite..therefore always ignore them & do not invite any trouble whatsoever....Take care...
This post was up for discussion and there has been no actual feedback to it is highly likely that this is fiction. Check old post from last week.