QR50 for ATM card

So, it's been confirmed in the press.
Below is a copy of my letter to the Editor ...
"Sir, with regard to Commercial Bank levying a QR50 charge for account holders to access their own money, I wonder if the bank can offer some rationale behind it? This must be the only bank in the world to do this and to introduce it without warning to it's customers is just typical of the lack of customer service so rife in Qatar.
Perhaps the bank can explain how it's customers are supposed to access their money? Either pay up or cancel the ATM card and visit a branch for every small withdrawal. This is only going to result in either very long queues or an increase in staff to cope. I really don't think they have thought it through thoroughly and I like many more I'm sure, will now be taking my banking business elsewhere!"
wow! that's really annoying! i dont understand why CBQ cant mail announcements/infos to customers before they implement them!
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Pretty frustrated with the bank. First QR50 for an ATM card, then QR 500 for the renewal of my credit card- giving 5,000 Q miles for it. Thing is that i don't care about the q-miles, CBQ should have atleast informed me of the time for renewal of my credit card and i would have certainly told them that i do not want the q-miles.
Qatar Airways gives you QR 500 cash for 15,000 q-miles!!!! The customer service operator mentioned that i should have informed the bank 45 days in advance that i do not want Q-miles and QR 500 charge that goes with it.THEY SHOULD HAVE CALLED ME 45 DAYS IN ADVANCE informing me of my due date rather than put the blame on me.
QNB offering 1 mile for every QR2 spent. CBQ offering 1 mile for every QR8 spent. Don't know how QNB are in services and charges. Not yet personally come across any bank with good service.
when i was doing on-line banking last week i have seen the 50 riyals they debited for "annual debit card fee". really annoying when u havent given any notice before they implement it! imagine for every 20,000 people they get 1 million! they were not satisfied yet for 25 riyals they get every month if you fall below 3,000. funny! if it is true they have refunded some...they shouldnt do it subjectively! imagine some people cant touch a month salary to avoid the fee when its barely earning interest.
[img_assist|nid=21401|title=Adjust, Adopt & Overcome|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=135]
In general, that's the irony in banking...put your money to be debited by anything ...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
CBQ has another joke in their credit card bills.. its called ''Credit Shield Protection''.. they charge a percentage of your usage. When asked, the lady in customer service explained , its an insurance and you will benefit if the things you baught is stollen ..LOL..
I told her , reverse it. and dont be botherd about my stollen stuff , i will pay your bills even when they are stollen...
They just trying to cash it in whatver way possible. MOst of us ignore since the amounts are small, but for them , its accumulates in to millions.
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
aramani i worked with doha bank and they atlest dont charge u for ATM card!
and eversince i hv been in banking none of the banks in doha charge for just ATM cards!
so i think u hv to do sm homework and check ur card may b its a credit card not ATM card.....
its really a bad thing and i m feeling lucky to have closed my cbq account 3 months bck .....
Ha Ha, i wonder which bank doesn't ake charges of ATM's and Credit cards....I've been telling many times, no bank doesn't take charges, start reviewing your mailed bank statement, it's been taken without telling the customers...the bank that had been widely complained here is just apparently announcig what they charge...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
cbq doesn't really know the effect of this things without informing their costumer. definitely they will withdraw all there money and transfer to other good bank.
you all mean to say no othe bank in doha does that?if thats so i suggest u all do some homework....
thats making me think about leaving CBq
good for u
The whole idea behind an ATM, along with Internet Banking, is that YOU do the work so THEY don't have to employ staff. They are now charging you to do their work for them!
If everyone suddenly said "No, I don't want an ATM card" they would have 2 options:
1. Employ more staff to cover longer queues, or,
2. Lose a lot of customers who can't be arsed queueing and will go to another bank.
Did you Google it first?
And it will be more "surprises" if you know the CBQ withdrawing our own money from counter desk will charge you 25-50 QR per transaction.
It happened to me last 3 or 4 month because I never receive my replacement card thru post office and the bank freeze my ATM card.
Luckily I can retract the money after meeting with my branch manager and threaten will quit as a customer.
But what the ... , they kept charging me 100QR as what you know: Card Replacement Charge. This time I gave up.
I am really thinking move out from CBQ and watching what is the best. Al Khaliji also in my list since it is new bank.
I would have no problem with that as long as they give me access to the VIP boxes at the Tennis and Golf Tournaments..lol
another reason to like CBQ.. Lol
If customers had the power to say no and collectively decide to move their accounts somewhere else the bank would take a different position, but this does not happen and we say what is a 50QR per year...
A 50QR per year for someone who's salary is 1000QRs is a big some specially that the only way for him to access his account is through ATM and the bank charges him every time he goes to the branch ...
Do you think customers can take a stand and say we will bank somewhere else?
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
They should inform the public prior to implementation... now CBQ is calling their customers for apology...Its just punching somebody on his face then say sorry after the damage has been committed...
Without the account holders a bank cannot run...they are using our money to invest and gain profit from that investment... and according to abu.adil..
Commercialbank nets QR1.7bn profit in ’08 despite global crisis
So an annual fee of QR50 should be cancel...
I think its an annual fee for the ATM card which is not bad..
I dont c the big issue here...
They charged me 50QR even though I don't have a debit card, just a savings account!
Don't worry, I've complained.
DUE TO FINANCIAL CRISIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Two of the local banks have now posted huge profits in the past couple of weeks, while laying off staff, tightening the loan requirements and introducing bank charges.
I wish someone would actually own up to customers that the banks are in trouble. It doesn't matter if they've made billions in profits if the money is pumped in one week, and paid out in dividends the next. What people need to know is the cash reserves of the banks versus the liabilities.
It would also be nice to know whether the banks are exposed to the toxic triple-As from Lehman's and Morgan Stanley.
Are the debts getting bigger, and is there a cap on how large the liabilities will grow?
50 qr annual ATM charge beats getting charged a fee every time you withdraw from an ATM that is not owned by the bank....its 50 QR for crying out loud, some people should bank in other countries to see how steep some of the fees are.....on another note this fee is the least of CBQ's problems or in fact most of the banks here in qatar....
i'm confused now is it 50QR per each withdrawal or what?
u said per year!!!
Commercial Bank of Qatar has a low standard customer service. I am also a victim of ATM charge and gonna register a complain soon. Also, if your balance is below QR.3000 (saving account) they will charge QR. 25 whereas others charge QR.10 only.
Any one from commercail bank ! if you are in sales u will get promotion very soon , just provide them above details for each transaction they will charge ....
Banks in Australia make $4 Billions (10Billion QAR) from fees and charges. They charge you for just taking your card out of your wallet...
You only get 5 free transaction a month, the rest you paid 20-30 cents (1 QAR) each transactions.
You also get charge a monthly fee if your balance falls below $500 .
And as well you get charge a $2.5 (7.5 QAR) per transaction when you use another banks ATM.
So hopefully they dont push it that far...
Commercialbank nets QR1.7bn profit in ’08 despite global crisis
Business Reporter
DOHA: Commercialbank posted net profits of QR1.7bn last year, up 22.4% on the 2007. The operating income earned by Qatar’s largest private sector bank last year was QR2.8bn, up 42.5% on QR1.9bn registered in 2007.
Now you know how they are making the profit.
They had increased the interest rates on loans upto 3%, yes, without informing the customers, and now this.
I wonder if the customers can do anything on this!
I'm thinking too to withdraw all money, if most of account holder withdraw their all money what will happened??? I came to know from one of close frn that someone's fee (QR50) have been waived after strong complain...
oooo chelsea....dont give them any new ideas!!! who knows..one of their hair brained decision makers mite probably read this forum and suggest this to Mgmt!!! ;)
aaand get a sterling bonus because he/she came up with such a brilliant scheme!!!
I know it sucks but it could be worse - in the UK a lot of cash machines charge you EVERYTIME you withdraw money... I've been charged up to £1.75 (almost QR10) just to withdraw £10!! That's a lot of money for a broke student! Over a year I probably paid at least QR250 in cash machine charges....
Let's hope they don't catch onto that idea here...
You can't teach experience...
The Banks here are small in number, have a captive market and very little competition..
Its very easy for them to implement these types of things knowing that the customers will have no choice , but to comply..
CBQ never have the courtesy even to at least inform their customers about the charges
At a time when the banks are all up sh!t creek, they should be coming up with ideas to entice and keep customers, not driving them away with hair brained schemes like this!
I know it's only QR50 per year, but it's MY QR50!!!!
Did you Google it first?
MJ..No matter how fast you will act...banks are more faster in Debits...
" Hatred is the coward's revenge for being intimidated"
....G.B. Shaw
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
then the rest of the banks will follow. (hope not!)
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
stay with HSBC!
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
when they do, everytime my salary gets in my account i'll withdraw everything right away... :P
As soon as one bank gets away with it, the others will follow suit..
who came up with this idea really must be a low life jerk
glad im not a commercial bank cardholder..