Qatar schools

By stubborn2011 •
I have been looking at the websites of most of the independent schools in Doha. The fees are astronomical: ranging from 23000 to 54000 QR per month. I would like to know how long did you have to wait before your kids started school after joining the waiting list and also, are any expats sending their kids to Qatar Academy and would you recommend it? Thanks
supply WAY more than demand,thereby allowing the said suppliers to charge whatever they feel like & sending your kid to school is not an option & the folks running the schools know this,there is zero Govt. regulation on this so they're free to charge what they feel like...story of this place,"this is what it costs,we don't care if you have to sell your body parts to put your kid through school,take it or leave it."...sad but true state of affairs...haven't heard many great stories about Qatar Academy,Doha College or ASD should be your best bet but getting a place there is a different story all together...