Prescription meds readily available in Doha

Good day all!
I'm considering moving to Doha, and i'm wondering about the availability of prescription meds in Doha. They are Xanax , Quetiapine(seroquel) and additionally, though not a prescription med in the west, but possibly in Doha, is "melatonin".
Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Tim
Also get some vicodin to mix with xanax...
I would suggest bringing your own supply of Xanax with you. You can bring up to a year's supply, put it in your big suitcase in the original packaging with the original prescription from your doctor with it. Seroquel and Melatonin are easy to get here.
seroquel and melatonin are available without prescription in many pharmacies. xanax is sure to be very tightly controlled and very expensive; i've never tried to purchase any here, but i know valium is literally kept under lock and key and prices are sky high.
i like Xanax