Political stability in Qatar

Hello, we are planning to relocate to Qatar but we are wondering about the political stability there after the domino in the Middle East started from Egypt, Bahrain, Lybia etc. I suppose protests happen because of limited freedom in any form. So if government is fair with Qataris there should not be problems, right? Kindly give me your insights on that
We moved to Qatar 6 months ago. The government does a lot to take care of the people here, hence, they appear to be happy. No signs of rioting or even protests. There is a high level of education here, and the government is promoting the hiring of Qatari people. Organizations such as Qatar Foundation make it their mission to move the country forward, as well as the people who live here. I would highly recommend you moving forward with your move, as we have been very happy here.
Thanks everybody for your insights
No problem. I would definitely agree with the other posters. Its more important to research the job market and company that you will be working for. There are companies that treat employees poorly and some that have great packages. Ask to get one or 2 expat emails/contacts from the companies and ask them personally about the process and the general feeling. They will probably not get you nay-sayers, but if you word your questions differently, you can get a better perspective and you can ask them for other expats. Good luck.
its fine! Could go into more detail, but there is really no need. Very stable politically and financially. Very safe for the family. make sure your company has got a good reputation is my only advice as some of the local companies are better at treating their staff than others!
Take it from a Qatari, Qatar is very stable both politically and economically. First off, Qataris are one family, if you go back 20 years each person knows the other and every family is inter-related with the other families. We are close to each other.
The government provides healthcare, education from pre-school to graduate level, and housing for Qataris. It provides us with a chance of improving ourselves and getting somewhere in life. (The only people that are unhappy are those that choose not to take advantage of the free education offered. For the high school drop outs and those that made the wrong choices in life, you hear them complaining about the government. But who is to blame other than them?) Id say most of the population is happy in Qatar, and we feel close to our Emir. He is not some distant ruler, but someone who is close to us and supports us in every way. So dont worry about moving here.
If "we" in your question refers to your family not a business firm, so why are you that concerned with political stability. You should be more concerned with the prospective of the company you are going to work for.
Just for the record, whats happening in Bahrain is nothing like Egypt and Libya. Its a fight between sunnis and shiites.
Thanks for replying!
I thought Qatar would be compared with Bahrain and Oman. To put it differently what Qataris have more than Bahrainis and Omanis? Sorry for not knowing but my research was focused on issues related to employment.
No place is perfect, but the reason why the Qataris want you here is to make it better because they do not YET have the human capitol to improve it themselves. Qatar has been described as Dubai 20 years ago. These are growing pains for them.
Good luck.
Most revolutions happen not because of limited political freedom, but the lack of economic freedom. When people don't have a job and are idle, they feel very uneasy. Qatar is one of the top 4 highest income per capita in the world. It is hard to see that a Qatari, with universal health care, paid utilities and Qatarization (companies must have a certain percentage of Qataris) will have the same instability as the rest of the Middle East. They are using their oil and gas revenue to invest heavily into education, social services and infrastructure. All things that seem to be lacking or in short cash supply in very many other countries. I hope this answers your question. No place is perfect, but the reason why the Qataris want you here is to make it better because they do not YET have the human capitol to improve it themselves. Qatar has been described as Dubai 20 years ago. These are growing pains for them.
Good luck.