please help a desperate member...

By Curious123 •
Dear all,
A question about medical rules in Qatar for residence visas.
I am a healthy carrier of hepatitis B virus.
I work in hotel administration, my question is will i be able to accept the job I am being offered without worrying about being deported when I am sent for medicals?
Many Thanks in advance.
Curious12, If you are a carrier of Hepatitis B the chances for passing your medical test is minimum. I know someone who already had RP in Qatar was sent home only due to the fact that he/she was a carrier of the virus. Hepatitis B is considered as a severe case in Qatar.
hep b is very much curable it's supposed to be cured in 6 months depending on your immunity and severity.visit a good doctor and you will be able to come
Which hotel is it so i will make sure you get deported ?!
I am not sure which country you are from but hep b is very much curable
I am not sure which country you are from hep b is very much curable.
Thanks for the messages!
@ TT boy and Mr. M - there are millions of people who are healthy carriers of the hepatitis b virus, meaning that they carry it but will never develop any health complication from it. Some have it from childbirth by their mom, others its usually "vaccination gone bad"! Te disease can only be contrated through blood contact of an infected person with the blooood of another person...
This is just for your information, so, in case you know someone whoo has this infection you do not need to run away saying it is very infectious!
In any case a person with chronic hepatitis b spend most of his/her life at the hospital and can not really travel!
Thanks again to the rest and best wishes!
Healthy ? How can you be healthy if you are carrying a contagious and dangerous desease... sorry but as far as I know you will not pass the medical and will end up having to leave ... suggest you let them know in advance and they will be in a better position to advise you
incurable! thats bad!! I though Hepatitis can go by using meds..
You will be deported if carrying Hepatitis B and as you said that you have offer in Hotel administration so your clinical examination will also be done and sorry to say but they will declare you unfit and you will be sent back.
there is no cure for chronic Hep B, pranzer
you are not likely to be granted residence permit with a chronic ilness I'm afraid
but it's best to check with your prospective employer - I think you have no choice but to be honest!
you've been asking this question here for weeks not getting an answer... I understand you're scared of losing this opportunity, but in reality you're risking it anyway taking too long to progress with your job offer, and then resigning from your current job to come here and... be sent home
honesty is the best policy
get cured first! surely medical commission will deny you!
Nobody can be healthy as long as that person is carrying a virus.In your case Hapatitis B is a very contagious virus.
unfortunately the health commission in qatar are very strict when it comes to health issues like these. it will be at your own risk if you still want to accept your offer. i am not really sure about hep b. but just to let you know, the med exams here will be just on your blood sample and x-ray
You can be deported if ur hepatitis B virus is still active.
i mean still suffering from it