Personal Trainer

By jillyinfashion •
I am in need of a personal trainer-- I have a gym in my complex and I would like to hire someone 3 days a week.
I would prefer a female--
If you know anyone-- please send their information and prices--I need to lose weight and tone up:)
thanks in advance
hi my self jhon , i am a certified personal trainer from issa , also i completed active iq , caneda bazed training, and i am an army trainer too, so i can boost up u, tnhose who wantn personal training cal to my no 77108630 or m ge me in my id , [email protected]
Hi,I'm looking for a femal personal trainer. If you're still in the country please let me know how I can get in touch with you.S
Hi Mr. Ali,
I'm looking for a job in Qatar can you help me?
Do find a job you?
I'm a Gym Trainer in Syria.
Dear Mrs.
Kindly send me your mail to my one if you still intersted: [email protected]
I'm a gym trainer in Syria & am looking for a job in Qatar.
I'll send you my CV after getting your mail address.
If you are still looking for a trainer please see my post
I am a Fitness Instructor / Personal Trainer and recently moved to Doha from Toronto, Canada and am currently accepting new clients, individuals or groups, in the area.
My expertise is in technical boxing training and athletic sports conditioning, and I am a Level B Coaching Certified instructor through NCCP (National Coaches Certification Program of Canada). I am also a licensed swimming instructor through the Lifesaving Society of Canada and have completed the Personal Training Specialist Course with Can-Fit Pro.
For the last 10 years I have been training teams, individuals, and fitness groups at all ages and levels from beginners to professional athletes. In Canada I trained alongside the National Boxing Coach of Canada and taught regular classes out of the reputable Yorkville Club and Roland Semprie Rosedale fitness clubs.
If you are interested in getting fit, staying fit, or increasing your skills for competition please contact me.
Ali Jalal
[email protected]
Yes, she is still a personal trainer and working here in Doha. We have only been here for about 8 months and just getting settled in. Contact us at [email protected]
"life is short, live it"
I would send Tex a PM as this thread is kind of old. The entry before irumashraf is dated July of 2008. I am sure Tex will help you out.
I might be interested as well, though I won't be arriving before the late summer.
Could you inform me Tex if your wife is still a personal trainer.
I would most definitely love to train you when I get there. Tex has been finding me all kinds of jobs. (Luv u TEX)
rpyburn, PM me and I will let you know when I get there what we can work out. The kids and I should be there by end of August!! Take care and I look forward to talking to you.
Hi, I'm interested in a personal trainer that can come to my gym so pls. send me an e-mail message if your wife is interested. Tks.
I sent you another PM with my email. Drop me a line there.
"life is short, live it"
Ok--Now I see you replied to my post:) I just moved here 10 days ago and my husband has been here 2 months-- it is different--but no worries -- all the expats stick together and my husband and I would be more than happy to show you around when you get here. What line of work are you in? Do you have children? We don't, but man, this place is dialed in for children!!
If you have any questions, let us know:)
What part of Doha are you moving to? Where are you from in TX?
Take care,
We are due into Qatar in August or September and my wife is a personal trainer. I am sure she would be interested in training you. She is on this forum under texmom. If you need some further info send either of us a PM. By the way I see that you are new to Qatar. What do you think so far? We are starting to get a little nervous about the move.
"life is short, live it"
Hi, I am Amir from Pakistan. I am looking for a Gym. I am not a body builder. Just need a Gym for body tone up and fittness. I will appreciate if you can help me in finding a Gym.
Is there any possibility If I can use your building Gym as guest, ofcourse I will pay.
Amir 6147089