Oh, Helppp! Directions please!
HIya. I appreciate that I've asked this question before and am beginning to sound a little needy ;s
I need to get to Immigration Dept tomorrow for an appointment at 7am. (I'm coming from Dukhan so unless I want to drive in my sleep I need to not mess it up:) As I followed your very thorough and helpful directions last time and still managed to get myself lost (and more than a little harrassed)I decided to try again today. And I got lost. Again.
I'm coming from Dukhan and I manage to get it sussed until after the Slope roundabout. Then U turn after the Traffic Dept and then what? The only way I can do it is by going into Landmark and doing a left and then a right.. there must be an easier way? Duh.
Is there anyone out there who can give me an Idiot's Guide?!
Thank you. I know- I'm a div:)
Thanks so much. I think I've got it.. so instead of branching right for Landmark I go straight and right? Or if that fails, I go back to Slope, go over Laqta and then U turn.. it's that middle bit!!! I think I'll try the U turn after Taffic dept and straight.
I have no mind for this sort of stuff.. Thanks though, you've helped immensely. I'll print this off and take it with me. I'm ok with maps if I could get in them and walk around saying 'Err, Left here, Right,,'
after the slope RA you will get the immigration RA/Fly Over (it is before the traffic dept.) take 'U' turn (make sure that you don't go through the under pass) on your right side you will see a petrol station, take right after the petrol station, after 200 mts. take right again, go straight (say 300 mts.)till you see the immigration dept. parking on your right side.
after taking U turn just keep going staright towards the other roundabout...the traffic department will be on your right side so just keep going staright after the U turn and when u reach that other roundabout with a flyover just go straight and take right turn after crossing the roundabout...there will be a sign board indicating towards immigration office