Nissan Tiida Warning
By baldrick2dogs •
This morning on my way to work I notice that there is a severe blind spot in the Nissan Tiida. It appears to be 1 inch in front of the driver's eyes!
Seven (7) of the useless b#$%&rds sat in the outside lane oblivious to what is going on around them!
yup, all cars have it.
it is also a matter of sitting of the driver.
some people simply do not "fit" in some cars (and i don't mean they r fat or sth) and this spot will be a major problem to them- this is why u shld test drive a car before buying it :o)
All the vehicles are having the blind spot.check the sides through your back side door window glass...
this is included in the 5 point check before a line change or turn
almost all the cars has "the blind spot" not only the TIIDA
I think the Land Cruisers also have the same problem!