My Vehicle istamra is going to be expire on next week, please tell how much extra time from trafic dept??

By Shahnawaz Akter •
My Vehicle istamra is going to be expire on next week,i have completed vehicle inspection but my vehicle have been failed in inpection please tell how much time i have to reinspection from trafic dept or i have to reinspect before expiry of istamara??
you are given 30 days to have your car re-inspected and those previous failed comments corrected. Don't lose the first inspection as it will be your paper to show to Traffic department once they ask you for the late renewal.
you have to go again for technical inspection. be sure sure you already fix the problem in your car after your first technical inspection. once you passed the inspection, you have to apply for the insurance and once the insurance is finished, that is the time you go to traffic department for the renewal of your istimara. it will take 30 minutes to 1 hour minute process before the traffic department renew your istimara.