mould in appartment house

Hi everybody,
me and all of my colleagues live together in a new appartment house (since one year).
After our long summer leave some colleagues discovered lot's of mould in their appartment, some had even to throw away their shoes and clothes as everything was full mould.
Of course we immediately contacted the housing department of our company but they did not do anything! The flats we're closed for a week, they we're cleaned of painted new and that was it! But of course the mould is still everywhere in the building as it was never treated properly, you can smell it out on the corridors.
Now the first of my colleagues went to see the doctor because of breathing problems which can of course occur due to the mould.
Does anybody of has similar experiences or ideas how to push the housing deparment to change the accomodation for us? Can we maybe get help from the ministry of health or from somewhere else?
Thank you all!
Last week I read about a US family who had to abandon their spacious home, because of Mould infestation. I was checking the net, as I had a fungal(mould) infection.
Please evacuate the house if possible or stay away from it as much as you can. There are options like air purifiers,etc to reduce the effect on you, which you can google and find out.
Take care.
I will post a detailed answer tomorrow. Please wait for it.Thanks.