Maybe moving to Qatar

Hi all
I have been reading much of the info posted here over the last few days to get a feel for Qatar.
I have been approached by a Qatari Sports organisation with a view to moving to Doha. I am married without children (aged 37) .Based on provisional discussions so far I expect to receive:
Salary - 850,000 annual
Housing allowance - 12,000/month
Medical insurance - included
Relocation Paclage - TBA (bit i will ask for at least 200,000)
Now here are my concerns:
If my wife does not work will she have enough going on to enterain herself?
What are the legal matters relating to the company terminating my contract if it doesnt work out and can i install a fixed pay-off fee if they do?
What is realistic to ask for in relation to flights back to Europe/USA (I'm Irish my wife is American)
My wife is Jewish (not practising) - will this be an issue if we do not mention the fact??
any advice appreciated
Hey Daithi,
I would agree with most of whats been said above..
I've moved out here last year from Ireland. Not sure if you're based there at the moment? If so, you need to be out of the country for a full tax year in order not to be liable for tax on your earnings.
As our tax year is Jan - Dec, that means your full tax year would be Jan 2013 to Dec 2013 assuming you make the move this year.
Despite the fact that Qatar/Doha is quite different to home, and can be boring depending on your level of enthusiasm, it does have positives. It is a good base to travel from, has interesting people and although the summer is very hot, it is really quite pleasant for 50% of the year. My main concern would be that your wife would need to be proactive to network on arriving, join some clubs, take up an activity if she can find time. There are lots of clubs for hobbies, sports or just chats and everyone understands that it is a difficult move to make.
Salary mentioned is high and will allow you to have a very comfortable life here. Its best to keep the weighting of your salary as high as possible relative to your accommodation/car expenses as your final renumerations on leaving will be based on your salary.
I really wouldn't worry unduly about the company terminating your contract. From what I have seen, if you are even reasonable by Western standards and work hard
you will do well. I think that provision is there to protect the companies from bad eggs..
Some info on living costs here -
Last comment, don't be dazzled by the bling of the Pearl, its not necessarily the best spot to live especially for a family. It is a little isolated, is physically incomplete and when they recommence building in earnest will have added noise issues etc. It can suffer from very bad traffic as it is next to Katara and the Exhibition Centre. In my view, it is better as a place to visit than to live, but these are personal opinions. You will get a better feel for things when you have a look around. Everything here is car based for getting around ala US, so you may need a second car.
Best of luck with your move, feel free to get back to me if any questions.
(By the way, we're back in Ireland for hols in 2 weeks time. If you want to talk, let me know and I'll pass on
my contact details).
Its very very high salary , may be any other will not pay. Its TAX free salary..
Usual would be 2 business class tickets per year for you and your wife to your specified home.
we expect to pay 18,000 to 24,000 in rent based on research to date - i will try to negotiate up the 12,000 allowance and would expect to have some success - the balance will be paid from salary
There's always West Bay Lagoon, just across Lusail. But you'll need more than 12,000 for the rent (the Pearl, too.)
food for thought on the Pearl vis a vis building regs and fires :/
the Dilomatic club looks nice the wife is quite taken with that lol
where is the best place to lease a car??
The Pearl is quite close to all the hotels and of course the Diplomatic Club. I'm sure you will be allowed to test the facilities at all of them before putting your money down to join one.
As for living at the Pearl - that place makes me nervous because there is only one way onto and off the Pearl (regular traffic is one concern, an emergency situation is another). There have been a few fires there in the past few months as well - and while officially there have been no injuries or deaths reported as a result, given the poor quality construction and materials used (in contravention of government codes) in most construction throughout Qatar - I choose to live in a place on the first floor so that if necessary I risk a broken leg at most if I find myself trapped in my apartment.
Is it likely there will be a serious fire? Probably not. But I choose not to take chances based on my experiences in the past 12 years.
If she won't be working she will be bored. unless she take up sports or dance classes or sth.
Yes. It is. In my view the Diplomatic Club and InterCon are better for leisure membership. The Grand Hyatt is nice, but a much smaller place.
from our research so far i think we would be looking at an apartment in the pearl complex so thats quite close to the RC/Hyatt correct?
You should be able to google the RC or the Hyatt Clubs, the Intercon is nice too. Remember, traffic here is dire at certain times of the day so if you're in Al Waab (for living) the RC or Intercon or the Hyatt while doable, you will need a strategy (in terms of timing) to get to an from there is essential in order to be successful in reaching your destination safely (no accidents, no exploding blood pressure because of the poor driving habits and number of vehicles on the road).
I've lived in the GCC for 12 years, and here in Doha I rarely drive after dark because it seems to provide cover for all the idjits on the road. I am by no means chicken hearted (hell, I make the idjits in Land Cruisers give way, hit me, I need the money)- aggressiveness I can deal with, the stupidity of many drivers, as my signature line states, can't be fixed.
hi all
thanks for your feedback - I hold Irish/British nationality no US green card or residency so hopefully no tax considerations and yes I have been recruited from Europe for football projects in Qatar.
How much is the membership of the RC or Hyatt clubs?
Uncle sam says you can run but you cant hide.
If you are coming from the U.S. or the UK you be pulling your hair out literally ,It's complete BOREDOM,100 plus degress outside everyday, But if you are coming from a third world slum country then this is heaven for you.Yet i guess in your case its all about the money, just like every other expat.
LP--why the if?
The OP stated: "I'm Irish my wife is American" and Mandi suggested he check, which I seconded. If he is liable for taxes, that makes a HUGE difference, because Uncle Sam taxes all salary and benefits after a modest deductible. I've had a couple of friends give up US residency to avoid American taxes abroad, but the problem is getting back.
If the US is his primary residence and he does not change that with the IRS before leaving, I believe he gets taxed never mind his nationality. However, considering the size of his pay package and that his job might be related to developments for the upcoming football world cup I believe he would have been recruited from Europe.
If, if, if.
Good guessing, Bachus.
His wife is American, and if he has US residency (green card), he may have tax liability.
If he is Irish, why would the US tax him?
Good point Mandi.
Definitely check on the US tax implications. The Americans I know complain about it constantly.
Sounds exciting, but your housing allowance is WAY low for your salary and remember there are no retirement benefits and NO job security. You will owe US taxes at that salary if your residence is the US.
There is anti-semitism here, although Judaism is technically tolerated. Most anti-semitism is wrapped up in anti-Israeli sentiments. I know a number of Western Jewish people in Qatar, and they've never complained, but then they are fairly quiet about their faith and ethnicity.
12,000 for housing is OK, but you will likely need to subsidize it for a higher end villa or apartment (especially to cover utilities).
In terms of flights back--it depends. It seems like your employer would prefer cash compensation, so I would suggest asking for the cash equivalent of a business class ticket for you and your spouse annually.
Relocation package--200,000 is at the higher end. At the very least look into the cost of shipping a container (including the company packing and collecting everything), then add two one-way business flights. Ad about 20% to that (to cover the need to buy things not work shipping, such as electronics). The result would be a reasonable figure. Ask for the cash equivalent, because you may decide to rent a fully furnished place rather than shipping your stuff.
In terms of contract provisions--you can have all the provisions you want, but if it is a Qatari company the provisions won't count for much. There are all sorts of ways out of them--including dragging it out through the courts, which would cost you far more than the compensation. I would say that the lack of job security is the number one reason why you should not come unless your overall renumeration is substantially higher than in your home company. They might be reasonable and honor every provision, but you should not rely on it.
Salary--see above, but a general rule is that after meeting housing, travel home, medical, schooling, etc., that what is left of your salary and compensation package should be roughly 1.3 to 1.5 times what your salary is in your home country.
As said above, there is plenty to do. The key will be choosing housing, as that can often be the basis of expats' social life (at least at first, and especially if you are in a compound). It's very easy to meet and make friends here, as the Western expat community is small and transient, so most people remember what it was like being the new person and are always looking for new friends. There are plenty of social clubs, too, and you might also consider joining one of the fitness or leisure clubs, such as the Diplomatic Club or the InterCon.
Is the health insurance private? If not, it needs to be; or you need to determine the cost of private worldwide coverage for yourself.
Good luck!
Make the health/medical covers private hospitals/providers. Although you don't have children now, are they a possibility in future? If so, be sure to negotiate the tuition fees NOW as part of your contract - school fees are expensive (and only get moreso). Ask here what the fees are for the better schools. It shouldn't be an issue as right now it costs your employer nothing.
12000 is an excellent allowance, although it seems a little low considering your salary. Rents here have come down quite a bit in the past 3 or 4 years, but that doesn't mean they'll stay that way, perhaps including a market rate item in your contract? Many people with your salary packet are getting up to and above 20000/month.
As for religion, don't ask, don't tell. There are a lot of people who just tick the Christian box on any paperwork that might ask. And I can't recall it being asked when I was hired here (but it was in another GCC country).
Your wife's social/day to day life will be what she makes of it - there are a number of different groups she might participate in, the American Women's Association, the Qatar Professional Women's Network (you don't have to be working), joining one of the hotel fitness clubs (access to the beach) and meeting people that way, the Rugby Club, an Animal welfare volunteer group, etc.
If my wife does not work will she have enough going on to enterain herself?
- There isn't much entertainment here compared to places you come from but nationals from same place live here and make themselves busy. Till the time expats get used to local life style, yes it might be boring.
What are the legal matters relating to the company terminating my contract if it doesnt work out and can i install a fixed pay-off fee if they do?
- Nothing much to say about taking to arbitration level as it would only cost you time and lots of money. You contract should have provisions for notifying in advance if there is a termination either by you or the employer before its expiry unless there is an offense in one's name where he/she could be terminated without prior notice.
very good salary. Life is a little dull here but relatively safe. Very hot in the summer - about 45 almost all day. but good location for holidays - far east, India etc. Return flights economy/annum is usual. also 200,000 for relocation package is excessive. Usual to get about £10,000 or thereabouts
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwww.. 850,000 per annum.... soon you are going to be in the list of top 10 rich persons.. lolzzzzzzz