Many Questions

Hi there......looks like we closed the deal and are going to be headed to Qatar soon......
I have two little babies that I am wondering how I will manage to fly with them....I know I am looking at at least a 11 hour straight flight. One of them is 4 months, and the other is 19 months...ugh!!! I'm sure you see my concern. Has onyone got any ideas or previous experiences with this?
wow...that was a very long and hard trip but thanks to my oldest son who is 17 we survived it with the babies.....
not sure if I would want to do it alone again but it is doable.......the suggestions given were all thing to do is a night flight......
the smallest was 7 months. It was not easy, but was not horrible either. I think my older children are actually more of a pain while traveling as they complain about everything more. The younger ones are kept busy looking around at everything new. Good luck! Wish me luck also as it takes me 30 hours (yes that's right) to fly home each summer. ALONE with all the children
Thanks for the good ideas.....I have never flown other than a 2-3 hour flight in the US and did not know that these services were even available. I will definitly check into them,.....also....not sure if they will give a sedative to them that little but will ask their Dr.
Again....thanks for the advise and I will let you all know how we weathered the flight!
Get your peadiatrician to prescribe a mild sedative whcih will ensure that they sleep on the plane. We did the same for our Niece flying in from DC to Doha. Her mom administered it to her in the Waiting lounge with her milk and she really did sleep like a baby and woke up about an hour before touchdown. The bassinet really helps so ensure that you book it before hand.
Live Free or Die
Good point raindrops.
Bear in mind that even if you reserve a bassinet for your infant, be sure to go early to the airport because if infants exceed bassinets, you may not get one, so head early to ensure you get one...They are very useful and need it, i know through experience. One lady although booked a bassinet missed out and had to carry her infant throughout the whole flight.
If you get a bassinet, you will be seated in the bulkhead seats with no one infornt of you which is a bonus
Reserve a bulkhead seat because it has the most room and also bassinets for the babies.
maddimay..go to this link, there was a discussion about this in mums group..hope it helps
refresh every 4 or 5 hours( change their cloth etc). some flights they have something good for babies such as toys. Get the seat behind the galley,which provides bassinet for your babies.
all the best
It's been many years since I have traveled with children that young. My youngest is 15 now and took his first flight at 9 weeks of age (to Saudi Arabia).
As for their ears, make sure you have something for them to suck on - bottle, pacifier, etc. I was extremely lucky and my little one slept pretty much the whole flight.
As Alexa said above, for the 19 month old finger foods to snack on is a must. Airline food leaves so much to be desired, especially to little ones. Crayons, pencils, coloring books things to keep him/her busy. Perhaps a portable DVD player with favorite movies might help as well.
It may actually go a lot easier then you think. Best of luck on the move.
I know.......thought about sedation (for me that is).......LOL....JK
I am also worried how they will do with their you said I will manage somehow.
I will feel more sorry for the other people on the flight with us........