Man and Woman not married (friends) sharing accommodation?

By frenchtodoha •
We will be soon relocated to Doha. In sight of the living costs (rent, etc.) a friend and I have decided to share a flat or villa whilst in Doha.
Can you guys please tell us if this can be done? if it's okay in Doha? if you have heard of other people doing the same?
Your input is appreciated.
illegal, you will loss a lot
Just wanted to apologize if the question I made was unproper or that may show misrespect.
Again, the only way to get involve without doing wrong is to ask and to receive feedback.
To those of you that replied on stating that we will breaking the laws and code of conduct in the city, rest assured that this situation is absolutely new for us, as new is our relocation to the Middle East.
Thanks to all for the feedback, it will allow me to better understand the country and it's culture, as well to aware some other colleagues.
Any other details/advices are more than welcome.
Au revoir!
for some coins u want to do an illigel work. why?
Respect law and order of the country
take it from one will talk to you....enjoy Qatar
This is a conservative country & you ought to respect the culture & the rule of the law just as you expect anybody to respect the laws of your country.
hmmm this sounds not good my friend.. its not allowed here.. if the CID will know. you will get in trouble...
As always. If you both act on a low profile the neighbors..will not complain, just state to your neighbors that you are married,, they will not know the wiser,. But as stated it is illegal, friends of mine where caught, they were put in by their neighbors. Some people have great satisfaction in reporting you to the police. As some say they pay spotters to find incidents like this, it is the fastest way to get promoted in the ranks.. It also depends on your race as well… Just keep a low profile and get an apartment in a compound with a lot of westerners. But is it worth loosing your job and going to jail over.. i think not
Friend don't be trouble for saving little money.
If someone complain police then you will be in great trouble of many things.
How will you explain this to your landlord?
U will be sued...
illegal !!!!!!!!!!
a big NO-NO!!! unless of course, if you're asking for trouble,'s a very risky thing to do here, you never know who just might blow the whistle on you...
Technically it is not advised..However it does happen here, all depends where the accomodation is and who are your neighbours..In a compound it is easier..