Living in Qatar soon
Hi for all,
i am a tunisian and i will work and live in Qatar soon .I have some questions to ask you please!
First of all about the minimum of expenditure for the first month especually that the accomodation will be paid by the sponsor ?
How costet the accomodation in Doha ? And fo a person who want to have his own house without sharing ,how cost thatWhat about the transportation? They told me that there are only Taxi ther .Is that true? et how cost that?
For the alimentation what costet the expenditure of Electricity water and Gaz per month? What are the prices of some products Milk Eggs Oil Sugar Cheese Chocolat Fish Bread?
For the activity are they many association there? how costet a gym per month ther? Could a person walking with security ther?
For the clothes , i am a woman should i always wearing Abaya?
For the safari how much ? Ther are excursions ther?
Could we be friend or neighbour with qatarian people?
For the driving hpow much the Permis? How much a car ther? Is a salary of 5000 ryal qatari enough to live there? Thanks for all
Hi Manat 2010,
Thanks for welcome! how could i check my visa? They told me that i had the autorisation to enter to Qatar but the Visa i ll have it in Airport Doha !There r différence in Visa?
Thanks Landloverreview
1000 RQ Or 1500 RQ it depends if it will be sharing or single !
Abeeer welcome to doha lot of tunishans here ......but check u r visa profession properly b4 coming..
u can use this link and click search options to filter as per your requirements
How much would you like to spend on housing?
Hi again Landloverreview,
There are any website adress where i could find this sharing? The price in Doha plz? Thanks
Hi Marco Nandoz,
My sponsor cover only the first month my housing expense .Is that easy to find house in Doha? How much Gym per month there? and the car who much the cheapest car? Thanks
Hi Knor,
5000 QR is enough even that i have to pay accomodation on my own charge? If there not gym we can swim there? Thanks and what about the price of brushing there?
I ask for security coz i enjoy walking walking .So even for some places i dont have to wear Abaya? or to cover my hair? For my work i have to move out at least 3 times per week so what about transportation? there r some bus?
They told that locals are not very friendly is that true? Thanks
You are welcome. If you like to talk to a Tunisian Girl living here, I would ask her and give you her contact. :)
Hi landloverreview,
Thanks for your request !I dont bother but i must collect many informations :)
Marco, only first month by sponsor.
She can find a bed space/sharing room for less than 1000 QR.
QR.5000 and her sponsor is covering her housing expense.
So yes for the gym and the car.
QR5000 = Good enough to survive in doha, NO gym, no car.
No you dont have to wear abaya, it is your choice.
Qatar is safe, you dont need security with you for walking.
Friendship with locals - Depends on your social reach & etiquettes.
Hope you will have a good time living and working here. Check this link but dont bother much, I have a Tunisian Friend who earns less than you.