Is it possible to replace a damaged car number plate with a new one and where can i do it...

By crazysignal •
Its kind of bent and not in shape...i dont need a new number,just the same but a new plate!!!
What are the procedures if any...
Thanks in adavance guys...
thanks ppl
v helpful...
go to Madinat Khalifah..... qr100 each....u will get it after 10 minutes....
yes u can do it...u need ur company letter if the car is under the company name...u need to pay 100 riyal u will get it fixed in 20 minutes at the same need for 2 weeks or some thing..its in madinat khalifa traffic polic dept
Go to madenat khalifa trafic department
each one cost 100 Qr
and 2 weeks to issue
Yes, yes... Very much possible, since driving around with a damaged linc. plate could get you a fine. Head straight down to Madina Khalifa, the one next to the flyover that leads you to Landmark, you can get ur new one there for a fee of Qar 100/-
U can get it done at Madina Khalifa Muroor .