Isn't it overdue to have another US School?

ASD is too full and impossible to get into unless you work for Oil and Gas and your company gets your children there.
I suggest that it would be a GREAT business and great INVESTMENT for somebody to open a proper and ACCREDITED true American School with 2 branches in 2 different sides of Doha give priority to North American Citizens (US and Canada) because there is huge demand and no supply here.
How come nobody is working on this?
This is an obvious shortage and yet no effort to correct the situation.
hey everyone,
I was recently hired by QU, and i'm moving there from the US in the beginning of august. i've been looking to find schools in qatar for my children, and i've been contacting the ones i found since march. my kids are going to 3rd, 6th, and 8th grade, and so far, all of the schools are full. does anyone know any schools that arent? if i don't find schools for my kids, i won't be able to go.
thanks, i appreciate it.
that a branch of Shady Side Academy is looking to open in Doha, if not this fall then next. It was in one of the Qatari papers that there was an exploratory committee in Doha recently, but I don't know how far along in that process things have come.
There is a Canadian school in Al Duhail, but I believe they only go through the 8th or 9th grade at this time.
There is a new school opening up, they will be using the American cirriculum. It is called Elite International School I think. I saw the add in the newspaper last month. Registration was being advertised for the beginning of May. It's located somewhere in Al Waab.
I do believe that the area that needs schools the most is the West Bay area. There is talk of many new schools opening up. Where are all these schools and when will they open? If anyone has info, please share.
that you say ASD is full. They have not even started the admissions for new students yet.
They always tell everyone they are full, but the only people I know that have been denied acceptance have been those who did not pass the testing.
That being said, ASD did talk about starting another campus in West Bay. Problems with Qatari government allocating land made that idea bite the dust. It's not as easy as it seems.
Is a good helpful answer and what CAN be good about QL. Too bad so many others just want to putz around here and cause trouble.
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
called Debakey High School for Health Professions. It caters for children who wish to be engineers, scientists and those who wish to enter into the health industry. It is quite a specialized school.
They do have a website
They do not have alot of students so you would have no problem getting in - there is pre testing prior to acceptance.
Check out the website.
I have heard rumours that another American school along with a few more British schools are opening n September.
Long overdue, engr2002, long overdue.
How ignorant and stupid.
I am asking for proper American school because ASD is full and you give me your stupid answer....
The biggest problem in Qatar is having too many species like you
even if they started to build a new school now it would take 3 years before it was up and running. You need to find alternatives or find a friend with wasta
@ speaka d english?..."go home?" that's the most retarded thing i've heard in weeks & i do get my fair share...@ engr2002,my friend,that's just one among the many issues that this country has a severe shortage would think that with the highest GDP on the planet,these kind of issues would be sorted out fairly quickly,but that's not the case...just goes to show money alone doesn't bring foresight...good luck with your admission quest...
Mintus, why should he go home? Getting proper education for his children wheer he is working and where his family is settled, is his first right.
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
mintus, how stupid your comment is..
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
If you want these things, Go Home,
Childrens Education is very important dont make do.