Importing my Pitties (APBT) from the UAE

Hello all,
Im moving with family (the mrs and my 6 yr old daughter) from dxb to doha - alls arranged for, except transporting my 3 american pitbull terriers (aged 12, 5 and 3) . I am aware that qatar has a list of banned dogs and my breed of dogs are in there. Is there any way I can get a special permission to import them or some other way around this, so I can get them into qatar legally (or illegally).
Now before you start bad mouthing me and my dogs - just so you know. Im a very responsible ptibul owners and have invested so much time & money educating and socialising my dogs. No offense - i know my dogs have been to school longer than some people I ve know.
And just to add, my pitties are the stocky, show category ones and for the past 9 yrs in dubai its always been one of my dogs that took the terrier class 1st place in the annual dog shows back here in dubai. They are great dogs - loving, loyal, and fantastic family members. So be gentle with them as you comment away.
BTW: My family and I need our pets with us and there is no way we would give them up. So Im willing to pay generously to anyone who would assist me with this.
We've had a number of pitbulls at the QAWS shelter so we know how lovely they can be if trained and treated right!
Please contact Qatar Pet Relocators as they will be able to get you the licenses needed to bring them into Qatar.
thank you all for your quick and honest responses. i expected some bashing just coz i have pitties. from a first glance, the expats there seem much nicer than the brutes here in dubai.
i will pm the references you gave me. thanks once again.
Please contact me on [email protected] as I need to discuss uregntly with you.
Why dont you send a Private message to chelsea or Xena, they QL memebrs and also closely associated with QAWS ( You can get special permission to get your dogs(since they are banned in Qatar) and people have done it before. So dont worry. I am not familiar with the procedure though. I'm glad ur a person who is responsible for your dogs. Good Luck.
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
Yes I believe you can get special permission, but I'm not sure how. Try contacting or - they may be able to advise.
i have sent your details to a friend of mine who maybe able to help, the biggest problem is the locals use them for fighting which is why they are banned.
please send me a PM with you email or telephone number so they can contact you.