i need some input about living in Qatar

By somalidude •
NOw, here is something that has been on my mind for the longest time. I grew up in Norht America, I am used to the North American life style. Now that I am married with a kid, my wife wants to move to Qatar; do not ask me why.
The problem is that, I have this vision about the OIL rich coutries which is that, the treat the outsiders as second class citizen, where they do not have the same rights as the one who cares their citizenship. Now can anyone tell me more about living there, coz the damn woman won't shut up about it
Its way better than Somalia.. lol
Listen to Many..Speak to a few.
there are many reasons why any1 would recommend coming to Qatar, be it money, family oriented culture, weather, or peace,... you name it
Qatar is not a boring place .. i bet u can entertain yourself and family around the place here.. i know some western families who simply love being in this part of the world, they feel SAFE and thats really important specially when u have family ..
all you need is considering few things regarding the following:
Money... you need to have a look at the cost of living in Qatar, its a bit expensive .. particularly when it comes to accommodation ... so if u have a job offer here .. make sure to ask whether or not Accommodation is provided for you & your family and in case it is, will there be any deductions from the Salary for this accommodation?? how much in terms of $$$ will be creditted your bank account at the end of each month??
Culture... you must know that you are coming to a Country where Islam is the Rekigion, i don't know how much you know about Isam and being in an Arab Muslim Conutry .. grewn up in NA u will find a difference in many aspects when it comes to living here
tell me if u need further explanation
IMHO this place is neither glamorous or heaven on earth. Unless, you just have loads of money then Doha s could be your playground in the more expensive housing available, as well as a luxory car of your choice.
The heat here is ridiculous. I think you've made a good choice to stay where you are.
in the end all is go back to the money, if you cant save and have a better life style than when you have in your home country, if i were you i will not come to Qatar.
If you are going to come to Qatar and respect its Culture, Tradition, and Lifestyle - then Welcome.
But if you are going to come to Qatar disrespect it - for ANY reason, then stay home.
From your intial posting, you have no desire to come here, it doesn't look like you have a job (but perhaps you have an offer??)
It appears the only reason you're asking is because of someone else. So stay where you are - if you have no positive motivation to come here for yourself, you'll be unhappy, no matter what we tell you = why bother?
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
Qatar is very boring dats the reason I am passionate about My Qatar
the post itself sounded negitive thats why people came up with such thoughts......still there r a lot of good reasons why you should move to qatar.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
thank you for the info, i needed to hear that, the think is that, some people see the life and glamerous, and think that the place is heaven on earth, i can not handle that kind of heat, I am staying where I am at, for the time beeing
thank you for your comment
Do you have a job here? The cost of living is very high. Will your wife work? You have a family, so what school will they attend? That, in itself, is very expensive.
There is so much ground work to be done before you pull up stakes and move here.
On this same page, further down, on the right hand side, you will see: Guide to Qatar. Look there and see if you find answers to your questions.
Personally, like I said, you should secure a job here first.
80% of the population (around a million) are expats. So people are here to work and hopefully make enough money to save and/or send home to their families.
extracted from a earlier post this might help.
Ahlan Doha.......
With so many people hopping on to the next flight to Doha (or Qatar in general) to make their dreams happen...... ..life would turn out to be a shocker here. The common problem for youth is that they want to make too much money in too little time. They are willing to leave their country on the first offer from any country of repute (or even without repute) without considering the pros and cons. As for the millions of aspirants in Qatar ..........guys hold on do a self assessment based onthe under mentioned facts:-
Just don't multiply the QAR salary by your home country currency. That would be the first of the many mistakes you are likely to make. The conversion if at all should be done for savings and not gross earnings.
If you a married person, consider the cost of family
accommodation in Qatar and more importantly in Doha. The minimum requirement of a one BHK (bedroom, hall, kitchen) flat would cost you a minimum of
QAR 5,000/- per month (not per annum,) any where in downtown
Doha city . Add a minimum of 15-25% annual increments in rent. Don't expect the salaries to rise by even half that %.
If you are smart enough to realize that you can look for
apartments outside Doha(Al Wakra, Al Khor, Umm Salal Muhammad) etc to save QAR 500 - 750
per month in rent , please allow yourself one to two hours for commuting every day(given the present traffic situation, which can only degrade with influx of millions of immigrants every year).Add that to a
normal 10 hours day would mean you would end up spending around 14-15 hours a day on job......and you thought family life would be so much fun
in Doha?
Be prepared to shell out QAR 100/- for a routine check up at
doctors in Doha ( that is if your company does not cover you with health insurance) . If you are lucky you will not fall ill, but god forbid
if you do, then you will have a big hole in your pocket.
If you aren't used to summers and hail from
cold countries, then you are in for a treat of your lifetime.
Temperatures can run up to 50 degrees on a normal sunny afternoon and such
days are pretty regular. And did I mention the humidity levels of 95%
..........I am sure I did.
If you don't have children you are lucky......bcos if you have
2-3 children going to school...... add at least QAR 12,000 (per annum
per child) to the cost of living in Qatar
You know that petrol here is cheaper and so would be the taxies
........try taking a cab from airport to your hotel.
You might have the fanciest of all cars available here, but when it comes to parking the same, you might regret buying one.Imagine driving around the streets of Doha for 1 hour just to find a parking space....... ....alas.
Last but not the least of all woes is a triple call rate to your loved ones back home.
So if you are fascinated by the growing number of glam malls in Doha the ever-changing skyline ............ all the hype and glory that surrounds this place. think twice buddies !!!!!!
Remember what is yours is what you take home after a
lifetime in Doha.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
i need more, why do you think i should stay where I am at?
Stay where you are.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"