HR and Safety Compliance?

By Ruditheexplorer •
Surprise! Most contracting company in Qatar didn't have Safety and HR Management compliance and Safety PROCEDURE. Put workers and staff into 'Modern day slavery'. No medical card, no QR card. Hopefully Qatar Authority do something.
But there are cases where a company will have to dive its bid to get the project..
yes, 100M is 'setting' price. All in the BQ, plus or minor 5 Pcent. Lower than that will lead to incompletion of project & project abandon or poor of compliances, lead to no safety, no procedure due to save the operation cost(Alibaba). In the end of the day, standard and procedure plus good compliances will reveal good image and reputation of an organisation or company's.
i believe that not a;; lowest bidder gets the job..
it should not be far from the actual project..
like an actual project cost 100M, Company A would be the ideal bidder..
Company D is 2o% lesser than the actual price would be a risk coz it myt sacrifice quality of work..
for me company E miscalculated the actual job..
blistingbarna: they shd have setting price instead of giving to lowest which definitely cant perform on standard & procedures,some escape by law requirements..btw, 110 percent agreed on your last paragraph!
Good old Joe: Awesome! 'scrap' paper!
Minda Rabang: it depending on who the person leading the company, where they learn. Some, hates procedures! all they think was abt money, they even escape to do visa for their employees. No personal, just feel that slavery still exist in this modern day due to lack of enforcement.
thk u guys for sharing!.
Ashghal should stop awarding it to the lowest bidding contractor ... most of the new companies hire new staff... a big percentage of whom have dubious education/qualification...
Most of the time they have arrived at the lowest pricing due to some error....
Company A bids for 100 Million
Company B bids for 120 Million
Company C bids for 150 Million
Company D bids for 80 Million
Company E bids for 20 Million
Company E gets awarded the tender.
You expect Company E to adhere to ANY kind of law?
Contracting Companies who are able to retain their staff especially the labour should get favorable Weightage during Tender.
A company with constantly new staff in the same project is obviously bad.
For most of the companies out here all this safety practices and procdeures exist only on paper and to show to the goverment inspectors when they drop by for a visit. There are some companies with all this bombastic certifications like ISO , OHSAS and things like that but what they are following in acutal practice is nothing related or anywhere close to what this certifications approve
Yah..its true..
any company to exist has to comply some government permits and legal requirements to do business. if its a foreign company there is a local sponsor. both foreign and local companies are guided by the governments' policies or by its chamber of commerce. HR and Safety requirements are some basic requirements that a company has to comply. Some experienced applicants always want to work in any company that complies with labour law standards.
are you a crusader?
So your point is? All companies or just some? Need to be more specific.
When ?