How to stay in qatar
I am from switzerland and live in colombia (i'm a jewelery maker) and i'm looking for a way to stay in qatar for some time. Maybe some one could tell me more about visas etc....
Are they school that can give us a studen visa (not university just some private school... I would be interested in learning arabic or some more about jewelery an gems)
How long can i stay in qatar with a turist visa?? If i go out of the country for a couple of weeks can i come back and they give me visa again?? How many times can i do that? How does it work?
Can I get a freelance business visa?? Because I do not wanna find a fix job here.
Thank for answering all my questions, I am not sure where to find all this information :)
Dear NatDep,
Legally there is nothing called freelance visa in Qatar either you are sponsored by a company or blood relative (if you are under age of 24).
University only can give student visa only for those students who are going to join full fledged course.
For more info contact Sheen Services WLL (