How to rent an apartment?

Hello everyone!
I need your advice and help!
I am soon coming to Doha for work. I have to find a place to rent. Can you advise me some good web sites or agencies that I can use? I prefer a one bedroom apartment but as I understood my budget is not really enough for that. So, I am ok to share the apartment with someone but I need my own separate room. Is there a web site where I can find people to share the apartment with? As I can see here in this web site - all offers to share the rent are for kabayan. Why is it like this? Dear kabayan, please consider me too)))
Will appreciate any advice!
thanks, guys, for your advice!
I will be checking the sources you mentioned regularly!
See you in Doha)))
I think buying Gulf Times would be a bit hard for you as you say you are still to come to Doha... but you can always go through the Classifieds section of Gulf Times (GT)online. Keep an eye on QL and GT and you will find some place to share, as not all are for kabayans. A few friends of mine have found such places rather quickly.
easy.. buy Gulf Times, lots of rooms for rent in their classified ads.. you can also find lots of ads here in QL..
You can contact jumbo real estate for all your rental needs! Contact us 55554528 or email us [email protected]
well.. i guess u have come to the best website... for renting... anything else have limited options and not so up-to-date listings...
so just keep looking at QL.