How much USD per month to stay in Qatar

Hai all .. my hubby got an offer from UK based company and to be stationed at Qatar for a few years. He is planning to bring the family along (myself and 3 kids - age 12, 8 and 2 years old). Do you think USD10K p/m is enough to cover all the expenses including the education, renting and etc) If not enough , what is the required USD p/m ? Thanks.
@qatarisun, I guess you haven't read my other replies clearly then :p
10K is more than enough for a single man, or even a couple, but with three kids... I don't think so. (Look I don't try to argue, I just find that sometimes people don't read my post clearly enough. I think that in part it is due to the fact that I do not elaborate and I assume that people can understand what I am trying to say).
I mean for 37k QR (I'm estimating), she could get a home for 10k, that leaves 27. I don't know about the educational costs, however it was around 6000 when I was a young boy and I'm sure it must be much more now. However lets say 7000 for arguments sake. that's 14k already gone for two kids. Leave out bills, transport etc..
Don't get me wrong, they can make it for sure depending on their budget. It's VERY possible, however they wouldn't be able to save much.
@mir, I'm assuming Pm not P/Annum. If it's Per annum, he must be given a really garbage offer lol
Is it USD 10k pm or pannum??
Is life so costly in Doha, my god, what kind of life i am living now?
is that YOU who is saying these words?? I cannot believe it!!! and you don't say that even half of this amount would be enough for decent life in qatar?? wow... you grew up, MAN! thanks!
Just as everyone recommends, if rent is not included, then its not enough for 3 children.
I would make sure they understand your family situation.
You should ask for at least an accommodation allowance and also for education benefits.
i love your
I think you should ask a least for 50% more - or get accomodation included in the offer.
Food is ok priced (seen with a European mind)
Alcohol same
Cars are cheap and so is insurance - but consider to buy a 4*4
Petrol is roughly 0.8 QR per liter (EXTREMELY CHEAP)
But club membership is expensive (gym clubs, beach clubs in hotels etc.)
Clothes is European priced (But don't ask me about childrens clothes)
Easting out is also cheap so people seems to eat frequently
- I took the blue pill and found myself alive in Qatar - wish I had taken the red and stayed in Europe
USD 10K is equivelant to QR 36,500/- If ur hubby's Co. will provide a family accomodation, it's a pretty gud amount. If not, u will have to pay QR 10,000 - 18,000 per month for a furnished house. (QR is calculated against USD @ 3.65). So the amount is enough only if the co. provides a family accomodation. The living cost in Qatar is pretty high. Be carefull...
I meant save 10K a month...
After all expenses...
Why move your family if you can't save???
Anyway...More advise will come
USD 10.000 equal about QR 36.500
Renting for 3 bedroom villa minimum QR 15.000
Nursery will cost you around QR 1.500 and up a month
My son schooling in english school Year 1 cost QR 7.500 a term and the fees go up min 10 percents a year.
The rest would be depend on the pattern of your spending. It is hard to gauge how much is enough per month. Our QL members earning from QR 3000 and up.
What is enough for one person, might be not enough for others.
Do use the search button on this site and browse through about spending in Qatar.
You will get more replies from families I am sure...
I can live here on the cheap if I had to.
But three kids???
Saying that I wouldn't do it unless I could bank 10K a month...
Just be patient you will get more response
vegas ..
tx for the advise but what is the required USD ??
I would think you would want 10K a month after all expenses...
Otherwise why bother???
I'm a newbie though...