How is it really?
By miss_robertson •
Hi everyone!
Recently Ive read a lot about living in Qatar. unfortunately,I found a lot of beaching "excuse my french" at real living conditions and company packages. Apparently living cost is much higher than i.e in london or elsewhere in UK. Im really interested in moving to Doha,have been offered 6mths contract so I think its good for a start. obviousely im going to pay recce due to not to regreat when its too late...
please share your experiences, I dont need and ad I need real info,
Qatarisun - Where heve you been lately? Still hang in Irish Harp :)
lol LL... :)
MR, there is NO a "real info". ALL depends on your package. People here earn anything from QAR.1,000 to QAR.100,000 a month. Opinions of these people directly depend on their packages.
On the other hand, there are a lot of other issues aside from the package, such as weather, unacceptably low services level, lack of clear system and rules, different mentality, which you will have to get used to, etc.,etc.,etc. So again, if your package as good as you can compromise all that, than it's worth it.. otherwise, forget about it..
There is no racial discrimination as long as your skin colour is white
Ingesu et al,
I am curious about what you meant with racial discrimination. I am from South America. I live in the US though, but I am Latino, of Spanish heritage and ascent. Should I be aware of “racial discrimination” against my family and I? I would appreciate your input. I am just about to make “the big move” over there.
Kindest Regards.
You can....
What do you call an Arab dairy farmer?
A milk sheikh.
thanks a lot guys! its nice to get unofficial info. looks like its better not to make any arabic jokes in order to stay alive :P
Joke aside... there are NO TAXES, no RENT, no ENERGY bills.... mmmm.., yeah, if you go flashy as most of brits do, it can be expensive but there is no way you could be so flamboyant in the UK for so little money.
Ah, and don´t forget to turn a blind eye to human rights and racial discrimination if you want to sleep sound at night.. ;D
The salary in Qatar is NOT tax-free for Americans.
salary is tax free!!!!
cool! good to know ...
US university? Then your housing will be livable. The single apartments tend to be a little boxy but there are amenities available and the location is good.
2 same threads with different topic??
tinkerbell.. watch out?? come on.. this should be more like "Look forward for Naked QLers.. im sure she doesn't wanna miss the beautiful sight
Thanks a lot!
its going to be Uni Position... not catering or service industry...
Rents are so expensive in Doha that if you are not at the tippy-top of the food chain your accommodations tend to be a bit, shall we say, spartan.
are you comfortable over there? Im fully aware that recce visit is needed... Not sure how it works overe there when company(which you are going to work for ) provides you accomodation....
Eight short years :)
Food expensive, drinking expensive, decent furnishings expensive, air tickets expensive, decent resturant expensive, petrol cheap.
Lucky you Luciano :) how long you been there for??
Who says living conditions are expensive. Housing Free, Car Free, Children Education Free, Medicine Free, 1 month holiday with Bonus, 1 month work only 6 hours a day (Ramadan. weekend trip to Dubai only 40 minutes away
Where else in the world you get all these perks?