How furnished is a furnished apartment?

By AussieMum78 •
We are looking at renting a furnished villa for the next two and a half years. When they say furnished do they only mean big items (fridge, microwave etc). More specifically the kitchen, do i need to pack and bring items like electrical plugins (example rice cooker), untensils etc (with suitable powerpoint adapters of course!). Sorry if this one sounds a little silly!
Fully furnished can mean everything down to the knives forks, towels and big and small appliances or just the furniture and large appliances (you have to buy the smaller items)
Suggest you check the wattage on any North American(110V) appliances you might want to bring, it's not usually worth it to bring them (a) because they're cheap here and (b) they don't work well on step down transformers i.e. they don't last very long.
Its depend on ho is telling you that!!
Like our friend said there is semi furnished and fully furnished ,go and check the villa before you transfer..
Good Luck
First of all,
You are moving
Not MAybemoving
Are you going to rent by your self or going to take a house that provided by your company???
Furnished means All Beds, pillow lining, dinning table, sofar sets, coffee table, dressing table
Microwave, fridge, washing machine, water heater
Kitchen items are provided depended on the house owner or company
Some time they provided 4 sets of baths tower plus steam ioning, etc
MOst basic are provided. Don't bring too much as you can buy from here and the price is the same/similar /less than in Australia.
Rice Cooker is not provided you have to buy.
You can buy from here as well. 5.5 L is 110 QR it means A 37/-.
Send me PM if you need more information.
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