How do qatar living site ALLOW this fake classifeds
By live to love •
This email says no call only email to this I.D [email protected] if you analyzis this he is offreing najma flat with garden and shaded parking fully furnished only for 4000 is this not fake can some one tell me how to ask or to do some thing not to waist my time looking for this.
They removed my response to your question and let the fakes remain, still.
What does that tell you lol?
Really its the VIRUS everywhere on the net. Not in QL only, all over the world. Fake offers are lot in some other web sites too. But We should notice 3 things:
1. Did he Published any local Contact No #?
2. Did his English grammar (Orally / In that Advertisement) is acceptable and comprehensive ?
3. We must Justify ourselves before calling to any one whether any flats with Garden available in that area for that amount along with shaded parking or not.
when you become website admin, that's the time you'll understand if why? & you'll know the answer of your querry.