House rents in Qatar

As per the local law of Qatar a house owner or real estate agency are allowed to increase their rent by 10 percent every year.Is this law still existing?
If at all existing.Is their any authority who is keeping a check on all this, that they are incresing their rent by 10% or more? who is going to ask Ezdan real estate agency which still increases its rent every year by 15 percent till date with out doing any maintenence work of their rented property.
with this situation life of a ordinary middle class family with fixed salary since last 6 years will it be easy?
Thanks for your valuble information gadarene.I am aware of the new rule but still purposly I have given this in QL so that some good people with power will be aware of this, of what is happening behind the reputed name.Also if I do what you have suggested me ie paying rent at Rental dispute committe the very next day/month my house owner will chuck me out of my accomodation,There is no end for this torture,may god bless them,and give them more prosperity and may they build some more towers like those existing, squeezing poor people.After all he the most high god is looking all this and will never let down his loved ones.
rents haven't gone up at ezdan, i renewed my lease only recently.
There is a complete freeze on rental increase(including the 10%) till Feb. 2010,so even a single riyal increase till then is illegal...if you've been living here all these years & are unaware of this rule which was headline news in every newspaper in the country,i don't know what to say to you my yes increase is illegal right now & after feb 2010 only 10% is please go complain to the rental dispute committee @ the old muntatza garden premises & pay your old rent there...very simple...