history of PTB

hi, im just new here..im planning to go to qatar thru a business visa.. my problem is regarding my health history.3yrs ago i was diagnosed with ptb and it left a scar in my left lungs. so i took the 6months treatment to get cured..but the scar is still there.my question is will this affect my dreams of living in qatar??because i have learned that qatar is very strict when it comes to ptb.please help..
thank u so much.. don't worry i'll let you know.. :) tama si denbon, check that topic, lots of infos there.. :)
try nyo po basahin yung topic po sa filipino expatriates in qatar title po eh lungscar on x-ray, hope it could add more encouragement po sa inyo to go to Qatar, wish u all d best po....
as the Father hath loved me so have I loved you continue ye in my love(john15:9)
thank you very much bulele08...St Peter-Paul Medical Clinic, Inc. x-ray and lab located here in Ermita Manila is accredited by GULF COOPERATIVE COUNCIL: TAIPEI ECONOMIC & CULTURAL OFFICE: EMBASSY OF MALAYSIA: DOH: MARINA: EMBASSY OF BRUNEI DARUSSALAM. It's their call if the clinic wanted further test, ok lang, just to prove to them that i am cured 18 years ago. If i make it to qatar and you need assistance just let me know.
OIC, i hope everything will work put just fine.. :) i'll pray for u.. sana mabigyan ka ng FIT... :) btw, if i may ask san ka nagpa-medical? why dont u suggest to ur doctor if you can get a sputum test? kasi pag ppd test the result will still be positive..
HI bulele08, ah ok, but i hope everything will be alright with you when your friend arrives...
my medical exam isn't over yet, i have to undergo another x-ray this coming friday(feb 15), i don't know yet what will happen, the doctor gave me medication for 1 week for my upper right lung i think because she is not sure if it is still active or not, i just pray that they realize that this is already INACTIVE and no longer post danger to others.
I had this PTB 18 years ago...
hello jun, actually im still here in the philippines. im just waiting for my friend's arrival from qatar to help me fix things.. :) ur right, we shoud pray hard to be able to surpass all this and by God's grace we will.. :)
its good to know that u already have a job waiting for u there.. goodluck to you.. :) God bless.. :)
thanks owen and everyone for your messeges, now i know that there is a possibility for us with history of ptb to work in qatar. Yes, we should secure a certification from our doctors that we are completely healed from this ailment and are already FIT TO WORK. For my case, my employment agency/medical clinic should give my employer in qatar a certification that this ptb is INACTIVE and that i am FIT TO WORK.
Let's just pray really hard that we surpass this problem. Good day everyone.
Bulele08, so how are you now? Are you in Qatar right now? I hope so....Goodluck!
some of their advise means a lot to me i do have a ptb before but now im already healed, lets just try and pray to God for I know that if we still have faith, then God will grant our desires to go there in qatar....
than u for the info.. i appreciate it.. i hope everything's gonna be alryt.. :) happy new year!
so u mean i still have a chance to work in qatar even if i have a scar in my lungs due to ptb. (i already have the certification from my doctor that i dont have a ptb anymore, i took medications for 6months already)
to discuss in that language.
hello pls advise me kung puede pakaya ako makarating ng qatar kahit healed ptb na at dinaman ako magtatrabaho pls help i relly need ur answer thanks and Godbless u....
In my friends case there was a scar and not anything to with PTB.. still he went through the 30 day course and yes.. his company / sponsor has to support him.
we have the same case with our new employee from one of our company...the guy has this scar due to PTB, all he did was secure a certification from your doc (your country) that you are already fit to work, that should be submitted to your company and they should attest/acknowledge the certification....coz the certification and acknowledgment of your company matters...
now when the time for your medical here, sometimes it will not show as what happened to our new guy...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
thank u so much! i would gladly appreciate it! hoping to see hear from u again! :)
I will ask any specific details that u should know abt this and will PM u in a day or two. If there is nothing special to write will still inform u.
ok thank u for that info..i'll try to do that
read all my posts especially the 1st one.
cool down & act smart.
im really confused now.. so u suggest that i should consider going somewhere else? do u know someone who experienced this before?
Listen dear.
U asked for some info in this thread and i replied very clearly as what u have to do to get here.
I cant tell u what u have to do back home for that. Contact all the concerned doctors who are authorised to issue certificates for visas to ME. Here you need to act smart.. beg / request / ...... / do what you have to do to get a certificate.
When u are here.. u will not need any body's advice. u will be forced to do what they want you to do. so just take care back home.
so tell me, what are the qatari govt rules on this? im not losing my hopes in getting there and possibly working there.. my friend who has been there for 9 months cant answer my questions that's why im here.
first thing first .... what ever proof u have is not sufficient. u will be asked to prove as per Qatari govt rules.
Secondly: without even trying why DO PEOPLE LIKE YOU STOP TRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYING. dont give up man. try try try. it make me mad and wild when people especially at ur age stop even trying.
my PTB is inactive and i already took the necesarry medications for it three years ago..
so u mean that, i should just forget about my plans in going to qatar becoz of the scar left in my left lung?even if i have all the proof that i already went a 6 months treaments including the x-rays?
As i already mentioned.. it all depends upon the nature of work one is coming here to do and how does one take care of things back home. forget landing in Doha.. He would not be given a visa due to medical problem.
Sorry from what I know even if the scar is 20 years old they still don't like it.
There are few basic things that you will be asked to do.
You will not be medically fit even to fly.. i mean u will not be given a visa due to the problem so first of all fix things at home.
After you have landed here. Your sponsor will have to support your problem. If you pass this test too.
You will asked to take medicine (few tablets) daily in one of the hospitals. This meidicine will be in a box having your name written on it and if you forget to reach hospital any particular day, u will get a call from the hospital authorities. You will be given medicines on thursday in a pouch to be taken on a friday. This medicine intake will be for a minimum of a month to 45 days.
BUT remember.... the first two hurdels have to be cleared and that will surely and absolutely depend upon the kind of job you will be doing here.
My friend, even if you can manage to enter Qatar, I don't think you can stay long here much more find a job here. Better apply somewhere else. Scar on your lungs is a very big issue here.
I believe PTB Pulmonary TuBerculosis.
Hope that helps.
I dont know what PTB is, if it has anything to do with tuberclosis then i'm afraid , it would be diffcult for u to extend ur stay. But it depends, TB is contagious only when it is active,but i suppose once cured there shouldn't be any problem. Better u consult a physician before applying.I hope u recuperate from it. All the best.