Help needed, thinking of relocating to Qatar

I would like some help please...
I am thinking of relocating to Qatar with work. I could potentially earn 4k QAR a month, and my partner around the same. Our son is 11 and will need to go into an International School. We think the move would help us achieve our goal in buying a house in Cyprus once our contract has finished in Qatar.
My questions are:
1. Rough price for a 2 bed apt (furnished)
2. Cost of schooling (approx)and times, is there a pick up / drop off service?
3. Public transport - is there any?
4. stuff for kids to do?
5. Is there a sailing club there as my son is a keen sailor.
6. What should we do before we leave (visa, health etc.)
7. What are the public holidays per calendar year
8. Is it possible to leave Qatar for Cyprus in June next year (as we have already booked our wedding, and come back as Mr & Mrs?)
9. Rough monthly food shop (we do not splash out, so basics)
10. Is it easy to get internet at home?
It seems a lot of questions, but it is a lot to take in and a big decision, especially when considering an 11 year olds needs as well as our own.
Thanks to anyone who can either tell me to stop dreaming and stick put, or encourage me to make the move and put my mind at rest. I have lived in Cyprus for 7 years and we know how to live on a budget, so we wont miss any kind of luxuries as you would expect in UK.
well, his biological father has no parental rights as he has not been bothered at all of being in his life since he was a baby, so no threat of me being a kidnapper and to get out alien cards in Cyprus I had to sign an afidavit swearing Ihad sole custody, which I have as well. Initially it will only be me working so 10k a month is steep. We were going to rent somewhere small and central to begin with until we find our feet and can look around for somewhere else to rent later on.
I am just worried as I want to do the right thing and I want my son to be happy, so I need to be absolutely sure this is the right thing to do.
i don't think there's a problem with sponsoring your child here being married to other guy, but just to make sure, check Qatar counsulate in cyprus(if any) or the nearest, and also make sure ALL legal papers are stamped by the ministry of foreign affairs back your home before coming.
with your salary and your partner's you can easily find a furnished villa in a decent compound with social club and swimming pool, it's now for QR 10 K+ according to location and facilities.
you can always live with your partner here without being married, it's not legal, but he can rent an appartment and so can you, and then just live together in one. just make sure both apparments get one of you to visit once in a while, and keep paying the rent on time, and don't take appartments from Qataris directly, just try to get it from a real estate office, in a big building with lot od bachelors in it.
Yvette, you ill have to research the legal issues involving custody of your son in your country and here. If his father has some parental rights you would need to have his permission to bring him here. The last thing the Qatar government wants is the possibility of a kidnapping/custody battle here.
Our wedding is booked in June, so that is definately happening anyway, I was concerned also if it had any implications as my future husband is not the biological father of my son
You can not live together here unless you are married its against the law, I know people who risk it but its really not worth it. Get married first if you seriously want to come here.
I think I have been confusing... the salary is QAR21k so around 4k euros.
I can sponsor my son, but I had him as a single parent (was not married to his father), and I will be getting married to a man who is not his father, is that going to be a problem over there as if it is, this is pretty major!
My future husband wants to adopt my son so we all share the same family name, but if that does not go through in time (we haven't started it yet as it was not a major concern at the time), does it mean they can't come with me?
paniced now! ;-/
Another issue I see is that neither of your would be making enough to sponsor your son. It requires 7000 QAR/mo for one wage earner. And you certainly cannot either live together or sponsor a child if you are not married. You have a lot of obstacles to overcome.
check here
1.Rough price for a 2 bed apt (furnished) - 6500 - 8000 depending on the locality. Don't go to zigzag towers. Not worth the price and only underdeveloped live there.
2. Cost of schooling (approx)and times, is there a pick up / drop off service? - Cost between 15000 to 30000QR Annual. Might vary depending on the school.Pick up and Drop - Yes
3. Public transport - is there any? - Yes...there are Karwa buses and there are taxis. you can also try and arrange a private cabbie to take you place ( not that there are many)
4. stuff for kids to do? - Yes,kids have a good time here and they can learn lot of good things.
5. Is there a sailing club there as my son is a keen sailor. - Yes there is.
6. What should we do before we leave (visa, health etc.) - Can be found out from your employer. The procedures might vary slightly depending on your employer. Health check ups are a must.
7. What are the public holidays per calendar year - 21 working days Annual Leave. Fri and Sat weekends. 6 Days of three working day each per year during Eid. Three additional holidays to be declared by the employer.
8. Is it possible to leave Qatar for Cyprus in June next year (as we have already booked our wedding, and come back as Mr & Mrs?) - Yes. Why ask? You can do this anytime.
9. Rough monthly food shop (we do not splash out, so basics) - Ranges between 4000 to 8000 for a couple.
10. Is it easy to get internet at home? - Very easy. Within 2 working day. Speed is good.
Let me know if you need anything else.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
4K wont even cover your rent per month, and you will need a car as public transport is not really viable here.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Well, you might as well start with the fact that unless you are already married, it would be illegal for you to live together. You will also run into trouble with sponsoring the child, unless he/she is from a previous marriage, for which you can show a divorce/death certificate. 4,000 QR is really not much, especially if you have an apartment (and especially two) and schooling for the child to still pay for. Both costs are astronomical here. School fees alone range from 30,000 QR to 50,000 QR. Apartments - about 5,000 QR. You will also need a car, as public transport is not much of an option. I suggest that you either look for other employment, or strongly reconsider.
Try using the "Guide to Qatar" section of this web site. You shall find it at the bottom right of the wbe page, above the restaurants. It has all the information you are looking for.