help me find American toiletries!!!!

Greetings all,
I was wondering where can i find women's shaving cream? I went to three different carrefours and couldn't believe that NONE of them had any..they only had men's shaving cream! Do ppl think that we can all take the pain of waxing? hehehe...
Also, where can i buy some original crest toothpaste or Tom's toothpaste? The toothpaste i got in carrefour tastes more like puck and doesn't give me that fresh clean feel ....
also, where can i get good ole american hair products? Specifically, i am looking for John Frieda's frizz ease hair serum and Curls Rock by TIGI...PLEASE HELP!!!!
i didn't think too much of it and figured i'd just adjust, but these items are essential!! HELP...
For lots of American products (at more than double the price of what you would pay at home) you can go to Mega Mart (Salwa Road, between B and C ring). Be aware though, that what is stocked one week might disappear for 6 months. Rule of thumb is if you see something you need, stock up! I hear Shop Rite on Airport Road is also good for American stuff although I have never been there.
I have a list of what I stock up on when I visit the US.... But as time goes on, my list of "needs" from the US diminish. Partly because they start to appear in Doha and partly because I find substitutes...
Good luck!
nadinenana, life in Doha is all about adjusting. After a while some of those "essentials" seem less essential :-)
Crest toothpaste is available in all the supermarkets. By original, do you mean original flavor? Keep looking, not everything is available all the time. when you do find it, stock up! You might not see it again for awhile.
If you can't find women's shaving cream, can't you just use men's?
I just use soap anyway. I like the olive oil soap from Khan el Sabon. They have a shop in city centre and stands in some of the other malls. Just be prepared to give their salesmen a firm NO when they insist on rubbing a body oil sample on your hand,lol!
Womens Shaving Creme & Toothpaste you can get from the Centre (Megamart)
And yes TIGI Products are sold in the Patrice Salon in Villagio, Landmark and the Sheraton Hotel, again Megamart might also have some alternatives for you, they stock alot of brands.
i only saw john frieda shampoo and conditioner (for brunette to black). im using them infact. but for the serum, can't see them there.
Darude, this is between women what are you doing here :)
nadine, i don't play lawn tennis... i prefer table tennis... :)
cant wait! yippppy!! do u play at khalifah stadium? i cant remember where you said u guys played at...and as for table tennis, do u play somewhere indoors?
nadine, i have seen shaving creams at carrefour i think.... let me know when you ready to play, no rush just take your time and i hope to see you soon.. :)
thanks alexa,
i'll definitely check for TGI/Frieda productions at the aformentioned places...
mj-ya, i've been here for 8 days now ...just trying to sort things out ..should be free to play tennis though in a couple of weeks, as i am still not adjusted to the sleeping cycle here:( i have barely slept at night since i've been here and started work last thursday!! Anyway, i thought veet creams are diplatories where you have to wait a certain time and wash em ppl use these in place of shaving gels/creams?
you in Doha already nadine?.. there are Veet creams in Carrefour...