have you work for ezdan realestate
work for ezdan real estate & from the last 8 months our company is asking for commision from them. each time they make new stories. all the contarct copies and related documents are with them and still they need proof that our company has rentout these flats. in my whole life i saw first time this kind of rubbish company who did cheap things in commision matter, i suggest to all realestate agents not to work for such company where you will not be able to get commison from customer as well as from company. eventhought small realestate companies not do like this. i don't want other people to suufer any problem in future by working for this kind of company where you will just get loss only in return of your hard work
You pocketed 2 months free stay offered by Ezdan from poor Tenents and now asking for commision. You are a theif who pocketed QR 14,000 from each of your tenents.
From the very first day Ezdan made it cleat that they will not entertain any Agents.
lets say you managed 5 deal of Ezdan Wakra.
5 units x 2 months x QR 7000/month = QR 70,000.
Not enough Ah. More Details on your Thread on the same subject.
I am the one who exposed your game to 2 of your innocent victims on your face in front of Wakra Compound Office 9 months back.