The guy with a loud music on his car....

By strawberrycupcake •
hi everyone!!... i just want to know who is the guy with a loud music on his car... i need to know him i can ask a favor for him to surprise someone ;)hope u could help me guys..
yea the car whose always rounding at coffee bean.. oh well i guess i wont do it.. i lose my hope... ;( thanks everyone.
this guy from goverment of tourism and he cant do private job , since the car for the ministry of tourism
and he is doing his job by driving it with national songs and flashes :))) , unless you want to surprise some one by national day :))
I'm sure it's not me, cause I don't even have a car. lol.
I think I know whom you are referring to., try to hang out at Coffee Beanery in front of Ramada Hotel, you know this alley with a lot of restaurants and coffee shops. This guy always pass by there with his fancy decorated pick up truck in a loud music.
what car does he drive?lots of people here have loud systems..
lol... that guy is not Sheick lolllll .... is a qatari guy retired from army!!!
I have seen the guy with lot of flags and loud music blaring from his mini truck.
may be me ;)
may be me ;)
Anyone who rolls down the glasses and turns the volume loud in his car could be the guy you are looking for...whats so special about him?
most i am driving with loud music only...... hmmmm if u describe briefly ... then only it's possible whether you saw me.......
any how have a nice weekend friends ......
Just went over my head...
ohhhhh is it that guy with very flashy cars and light and traditional music with long beard? if its him i wont recommend you to ask him favours cuz he is a shaikh vvvvvvip :) but he is kind if thats the one ur talking about!!
R u insane....?
my driver
is it me?which car?