Freight overage charges? Insuring for actual replacement cost?
When I lived overseas before, I was provided the option to insure for replacement costs over and above the per pound replacement cost at my expense. One of the gals I worked with moved from the Netherlands; her entire household goods shipment including Dutch antiques disappeared. So, I would like to option the additional insurance if available. Just trying to get some idea of range per pound. Does anyone know the current charge per each $100.00 evaluation?
Also, has anyone paid extra freight overage charges for household goods from the USA Detroit or Chicago area? What is a current price per pound or kilo weight from CST zone in USA to Doha and the standard (LOL) time frame for arrival (approximate is fine)? With the DOD, they allowed 12,000 lbs. and a 300# quick shipment that arrived in 6-8 weeks. This is a bit different.