Driving Lessons

I am new to Qatar and currently on Business visa, i am expecting my RP to be done in a months time , however i would want to join driving classes so that once i get the RP i could appear for test. I do not want waste my time siting ideal and would like to attend the full course as i have never driven before and do not hold a license,. Is it possible to learn driving on Business Visa and then appear for test when my RP is done.
My aim is to get started with driving .. so that once my RP is done i atleast know how to drive by then , may be a little bit
RP is required..Sory!
Not possible unfortunately. the first thing they ask you for your registration is your Qatar ID which is only issued after you are granted your rp.
I am sorry , my friend, but, i think you need to have an RP to enroll for driving classes..
Check out this thread : http://www.qatarliving.com/node/2693344