Driving along the New Airport Road

I was driving today along the new airport road, obeying the LAW OF THE LAND speed limit 80, a driver passed me and showed me signs implying if I was sleeping and driving yet I was driving the speed limit. The new airport road is quite a busy road and the drivers drive so fast, when will they put up speed cameras on that road because I am a female driver and these cars come by so fast intermidating a driver...this is not the first time this is happening as I drive on this road daily. I was asked by a previous driver "what business is it of mine if he wants to drive 160 on a 100 speed limit zone. Now is this fair.
Guys please all Im saying is that what I experienced we dont have to get ahead of ourselves here. We are all trying to obey the law of the land here but does it apply to the locals because we were taught to obey the law of the land when it comes to speed limits if this only apply to the expat why have laws. Yes I just continued driving my speed limit as I as an expat will have to pay for going over the speed limit and that might not apply to the locals so I just want to let you know my experience. IF A LOCAL CAN TELL ME TOO MY FACE ME BEING AN EXPAT WHAT BUSINESS IS IT OF MINE IF HE GOES OVER THE SPEED LIMIT...I was stopped right in my tracks because then the speed limits do not apply to the locals. So yes we try to stick to the speed limit and obey the law of the land yet we are the ones that get hurt because of stupidity on the roads. We can all drive fast yes but we obey the law of the land. It is very sad that the locals do not obey the law of the land and this is not only on the new airport road it happens all over. They just dont have patience. A split second can save an major accident. Anyway have a good weekend all
Neglect those faggots and concentrate on your driving with obeying speed limits.
Neglect those faggots and concentrate on your driving with obeying speed limits.
why do you think more. male or female same rules when driving , you give the way and go 2nd or 3rd line.
Pardon me if im wrong, here in Qatar fast & slow lane does not exists! all lanes are equally designed! So dont tell me to keep right! Laws here are created for EXPAT & not for the LOCAL! this is now what i am thinking...
i can understand as i too drive thru the sam road people who drive big cars like landcruisers drive like mad and think people who are driving slow are sleeping so we should and wake them as they think its they are duty to do so just drive on the third lane and ignore those idiots when they will met wit some accident god will decide who is right or wrong, dont stress urself
give way for such idiots . if we value our life . in also just leave this out ,in dry peacefully slow driving is better her in doha , prefer slow track...
I used to it! this just signifies that alot of idiot drivers here are still on the ROAD!
That's the new Lusail Grand Prix Road. Give way if you value your life.
If you mean the road between the old airport and new airport, the limit there is now 100
Why did'nt you suggest him to fly a jet if he is in hurry. coz skies have no limit.
just forget it. and continue the life. simple.