Doha College - Entrance Exam

By simonsmithy •
My friends kids is due to take the DC entrance exam for secondary school early next year. The parents are getting paranoid and arranging for extra tution to prepare him ( he is currently at a well known indian school). As far as I can recall most kids , providing they are above average intelligence pass - in other words its not that difficult - Does anyone have any comments.
Just heard that ALL the kids who took the exam this year have been offered a place today, including a couple who were borderline remedial -sound suspiciously like a big money making exercise to me.
My friend got her results from DC yesterday and managed to get a place - kid not the brightest - but she paid for tuition.
Yes Parkhouse, DBS and Sherborne are notorious for taking pupils who failed the DC entrance exam.
Kids who don't pass the DC entrance exam usually wind up at Park House or Sherborne
Depends on what you are looking for. Doha College is probably the best for the British curriculum. The American School (ASD) is excellent also.
Guys i am just about to arrive in Doha with a 13 year old who is actually quite Doha College the best school to think about.
simonsmithy.. I not talking about an Indian Kid with a British Passport I am talking about Indian Kid with an Indian Passport, as the OP mentioned currently studying in a well known Indian School :)
There is such a thing as an Indian kid with a British passport you know !
I thought they only took in British Kids.
Sorry but if Indians kids are going to DC then where will the British Kids go to Birla?
no worries
Tell your friend not to worry. My kids go there (secondary school) and not all the kids are that bright - infact there are some thicko's in the bottom sets who don't get 5 GCSE's Grade C or above.......... mind you we do wonder how they got in
Having the burgundy passport maybe !