Do you see the red light flash during the day?
By alexanderforrest •
I just came from LuLu's and made a U-turn at D-Ring and Airport Road. The light flashed green and I'm quite sure I crossed it while it was yellow.
I'm very worried about hitting a red light, because I was making a U-turn my speed wasn't to high. I also had another car in front of me making a U which slowed me down substancially after I started the arc.
Stopping would've meant the guy behind me would've piled into me.
Anyone know how long the yellow light lasts? and about that flash, does it go off during the day?
well as you are halfway in the turn , how would your number plate will be captured in the cam.
your car would have come on sideways. it means your number plates are not visible but the fact is your face might get captured.
Hope you give a nice smile for that. :)
Round about???
no this is the cross road at where D-ring road enters the airport. Maybe I got the name of the cross street wrong, but there is deinitely a red light camera there!!
Still doesn't really answer me question either, does the red light camera flash during the day? meaning if it went off would I have noticed it?
I dont think u need 2 check 4 any radar... since de round about near de mall doesnt hav a radar at the round. More over, u dont really need 2 worry abt de car in front of u, just tht watch out for ur bac... Also, der wud b 3 flashes of yellow light b4 turning 2 red... Which wud b like in a difference on 3-4secs each.
and see traffic violations using yr car numberplate
It will not be there , as it clicks only when you cross
after signal had turned RED .