Difficulty getting driving license?
By leonardj83 •
Hi All,
I know it is a common discussion topic. I am an American citizen with valid US drivers license. Today on 29 Sept 2009, my friend and I tried to get a Qatari drivers license. We have a Qatari ID. After going through the process of eye test and all, the officer said we needed the driving test.
Where is the list of valid DL countries for conversion without the test? Is there any new law saying we need the test? Or is it just the feeling of the officer? Not to complain about the Qatar, but it seems like a process with no set rules.
Thanks in advanced.
It happened to me too. They took the eye test and asked me for driving test. I appeared on first test and failed. I am not use to of manual car. I was failed on L parking because my car stopped when I was using accelerator + hand brake + first gear. The officer yelled ' Khallas khallas ' then on the P parking I was not able to take it out in one shot, rather 2 shots and the officer told me that it has to be one. Now I have to appear for next test very soon. Since now I know what to expect, I think I will pass the next time. IA.
IF you have License from any GCC country then you will get license in a minute but for others, DRIVING TEST IS MUST
"Sometimes luck plays role and depending on the police officer who conducts the test."
...passing the test depends on your knowhow in driving. Police have this checklist, and observing what you're doing. Forget one (like a glance at your blind spot before changing lane or not looking at your mirror every now and then) and you surely will fail.
At the suggestion of some of my co-workers I went back down to the traffic dept. A very helpful lady told me that all I had to do was take a driving test. She then signed something on my paperwork (I'm assuming it was to authorize a test only). She said that I had two tries to take it then just come back there. I think it will cost 150 QAR when I go back to the traffic dept and they don't take cash, only cards.
It's true. I went down to the traffic dept. today and the captain there told me that I had to go to a driving school. I was told to go to Karwa in the industrial area and talk to them about taking the driving test rather than going through the class.
Definitely giving driving test will be painful. I passed 4th time. If you have previous experience it may be easier for you. Sometimes luck plays role and depending on the police officer who conducts the test.
Yes, it has become difficult and painful. Since this past May US licenses are not convertible to Qatari licenses without a driving test. Good luck. The requirements are not clear and they seem to delight in failing Americans. If you do fail you must take lessons and re-take the test.
I hope this isn't the case. I'm American too and today I did my vision test. Tomorrow I'm being driven to the place to get my license. I wasn't told that I would need a driving test. All I'm taking is the paperwork, a copy of my license and copy of my passport. My company's PRO took care of everything else. I'll let you know what happens.
Thanks for the answer. How does this become official? Is there any place to find the requirements? Does it apply to the UK and Canadian countries?
Painful how they make everything so difficult.
Something changed a few months back that US citizens now have to take a test. Hard luck.