cow and gate

hi there.
I have come to doha with my 2 month old baby. I am breast feeding, but for some reasons i need to switch to formula for a short period, can anyone tell me where they sell cow and gate milk in doha IF they have any at all? i have searched family food centre and most pharmacies but no luck. any mums who use cow and gate baby stuff? i used it in london for my son and i think its a great brand of milk for babies.
thanks in advance
thank you amoud....that was very helpful :)
and THANKYOU novita77!!!! could not have put it better myself
Please stop hijacking the thread. Especially Rizks, if you cant help appreciate if you leave the thread alone. It is very irritating to read a thread always crowded with your useless posts.
If you want to write a useless post and pile up for points do make your own thread
Thank you.
Mega Mart is in the Center shopping center. It is the one off the Ramada Signal in the same place as the KFC.
Alot of people buy this stuff up pretty quick, and I can imagine it will not be cheap but well worth it. If they dont have it you can also ask them if they can bring it. If you dont have any luck sometimes GIant Stores in Hyatt Plaza will also bring things on request.
Good luck :)
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
Rizqs...its COW & GATE.....a brand name for infant formula for infants!!! not GATE milk....jeez how dumb can one get!!!
newyas thanks Blooooo for your info, much appreciated :)
amoud may i ask where mega mart is excatly? do you mean the city center?
thanks in advance
You can find Cow & Gate at Mega Mart in the Center. There was some there this morning wehen I was shopping but you better hurry as it goes pretty quick.
If after a year a baby is getting sick and diareha from cows milk there may be a lactose issue. I dont get people who say cows milk makes their kid sick but they are ok on yogurts and cheeses.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
All ants in the colony are female, the only male ants are the flying ones called "drones"
Cow & Gate started in 1771 as a small grocery shop in Guildford at Number 20 High Street, owned by the Gates family. In 1887, the two brothers Charles and Leonard Gates decided to expand into the dairy trade, and opened up a new business called The West Surrey Central Dairy. To ensure supplies of the best quality milk, they built their own creameries in the West of England, and also in Ireland, where Cow & Gate infant formula milks are still produced today. Their best-selling product was fresh cream. This was sold in distinctive little brown jugs, with a label showing a cow looking through a gate. Among their customers were members of the Royal family, including Queen Victoria, the Prince of Wales, and the Duke of York. The label became famous, and it soon became known as 'Cow & Gate'.
Now you know!
Hi there, we used to use C&G for our little one, then we had to switch to Aptamil out here due to the short supplies of C&G (and price). Aptamil is the same as C&G, same ingredients, different packaging but made by the same company. Failing that they sell C&G in Megamark at a ridiculously high price.
where and how do you guys come up with such weird brand names i never heard gate milk.
S-26 formula is also good for infants...
But check with peds. b4 giving.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh so its C&G lol
Not seen it here...You get other brands like Promil and Naan etc.. which can be given to infants…check with your pediatrician...she/he will suggest which is good for your baby.
wat about ants ?? :)
sorry for the hijack...:(
Female camel = Cow camel
Male Camel = bull camel
Ok I dont know anything about babies and what they eat etc, but I thought there was special formula that you can use as a substitute for breast milk, rather than the milk adults drink???
wat kinda confusing brand name is tat ?? :(
Shreeya a she Camel is called Cameli....:)
Please dont try to educate
SON is right, it is infact an infant formula...
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
Come on Rix..this is quite unfair? Can't you ask a question to simply enhance your knowledge?
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
Gosh u guys! Cow and gate is a BRAND NAME!
"Ali Baba and 40 thieves" are now "Ali Baba and 30 thieves" ; 10 were laid off.
lollzzz DaRuDe...
Shreeya stop hijacking or else i will throw u in the Camel Shed for discusing the GENDER...:)
Sorry just got carried away by dumb Rizk camel comment.
he really needs a drum of camel milk not a bottle.
It is highly unadvisable to give a 2 month old cow's milk. It is very hard for them to digest. As you say it is to be for a short time---have you considered pumping your breast milk and saving the extra. Use the saved milk while you are away from your baby (or whatever the reason you are needing to stop breastfeeding temporarily) and then you can resume breastfeeding when you are back. It is by far the best solution.
I switched one of my children to cow's milk at 13 months old and they got terribly sick. I was changing diapers continuously for weeks if you know what I mean.
Is there any gender difference in camels? I mean what do they call Ms. camel?
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
so whats the problem if she makes him a HE MAN from now :D
lol DaRuDe....
boss can i have a bottle of Camel milk Plz...:(
Darude she is asking about baby food... not
lol darude
yea its better then Viagra
Are you sure about Camel milk ..... never seen them anywhere other the darud's farm
Not advisable to give fresh milk to toddlers .... specially 2 months old....
I Love Camel Milk...!!
i shall run today to the Megamart to catch hold of 1-2 bottles of Camel Milk....:)
Goat milk,you can find it in Megamart at The Center bh. Ramada. Camel milk is also available there.
Everything's gonna be alright!!!
cow milk for the baby? does your baby like it? i never heard of having cow's milk for the babies :)
Goat Milk.... so it was the typo error....??
Goat milk seen them in LULU also
I have seen it in Carrefore, but supplies are not reliable
Whatever you vividly imagine, Ardently desire, Sincerely believe and Enthusiastically act upon, Must inevitably come to pass.
Gate Milk ?? wats tat...??