contract for house rent

By patricia_girl •
Recently,I signed another 2 year contract for our flat here in Frij Kulaib, will be finished by Sept 2011, but it is so expensive comparing to other rent nowadays,so i want to breach the contract coz i can't afford it anymore, do you think what would happen? Pls. help
Go to ur Landlord and tell him to reduce the rent, and tell him the rents of villas in that area... and request him to renew the contract...
yes it could be happened
go through the contract and you will find a notice period
than find another one most probably you will pay one month for the landlord.
u must read the contract again and check there wil be a clause in which both parties have the right to terminate the cont with one month advance notice
Talk to the landlord or arrange them a person who is willing to take your flat for the same rent and change the contract to his name.