Contesting a Wrong Traffic Violation...

Hi Friends on QL,
Can you kindly help me with my problem?
Last week, a colleague of mine saw a traffic violation on MOI website on our company vehicle that I normally use. He saw that the violation is having 7 BLACK POINTS and a 6,000 RIYALS fine with NO DESCRIPTION on it. I checked it saw the date, time and location of the incident. I was shocked for I haven't been on to that place on that given time for I was already in our office sending emails a couple of minutes when that violation happened. I'm quite sure that it was a wrong information because I know that our vehicle was already park on the parking lot when that incident happen. It's even out of way to my workplace.
I tried to check it on the arabic counterpart website and saw the description on arabic of course. I tried to translate it using GoogleTranslate the result was "Vehicle driver's failure to pass the optical signals, self -". I'm not sure about this but my interpretation is not not using the vehicle's warning or signal light (part of head and tail lights).
My question now is:
1. Was the Qatar Traffic Law Decree No. 19 of 2007 already been ammended and this violation was already added? I tried to check it but this violation was not there.
2. What are my chances of winning when I contest it on the Traffic Department?
3. What are the things that I should do?
By the way, I have requested and printed a copy of our Access Control with Time & Attendance for that day as a proof that I was not there. I have also printed some MS Outlook documents pertaining to the time of the incident.
Your comment and advises will be very much appreciated...
Beating the red light ....
6,000 riyals - Jumping a light at intersections
Seven points... because of 2 violations on the points system:
6 points - Jumping a light at intersections
1 point - Disobeying traffic signals
You can contest it in the Traffic Department. Request for the photo during the time and date of violation.
If it is really your car and license plates that show up on the photo then be prepared to pay the fine. If it is not you, then ask them to rectify the problem.
oh dear...wat a fix..
ur best bet will be to go to main Traffic and request for a movie of the violation. it may be wrong as u believe.. it cud be a mistake at their end entering the data.. but believe me.. U wont know until u've seen dt clip. so.. save urself some agony and go chk dt out.. then if its wrong... U can think abt contesting it