Can I cancell my lease agreement?

I signed a lease agreement on July 10th, 2009. The lease is to start Octuber 1st 2009 until October 1st, 2010. As you may see this contract "still does not start"
After that, I was informed by my friends, that the monthly is 3000QR cheaper. I think is expensive the cost, I requested a discount and I have been denied.
Now Real Estate say NO to the discount and not cancel!!
Please I need your advice. ASAP.
(I'm a beginner in English)
You have signed the contract and that is already valid (have you issued checks?). Is there is any provision within your signed contract stipulating that you have to pay "xxx" if you vacate/cancel the contract?...if there is none, you can cancel it with no obligation to the first party, if there is a provision, then you are obliged to pay that "xxx" before you can cancel the contract.
we need to see the contract conditions. but any how you can cancel as long as it did not start yet. you should send them a writen letter by fax and post to inform them that you are no longer renting this place. and you may ask your bank to stop the cheuqes you have given to the owner. and if he don't like let him go to the court.
Since your agreement did not resume yet, yes you can cancel that