Can anyone please advise me on maid service providing agencies???

By Drkooldude •
Hello members,
Me and my wife are doctors and have a 5 yr old daughter. I m looking for a full time maid for cleaning the house, cooking food and taking care of my daughter. Can you please share your experiences with different maid agencies..which agencies provide best services? How long does it take bring the maid after paying for visa..Also plz share contact no. and address of reliable agency..
Hiring a domestic helper Hong Kong saves time relieving you from the load of housework duties. Usual duties for a domestic helper include cleaning, ironing, daily shopping, cooking, but a domestic helper can also be your nanny, taking good care of your kids. helps employers find the best domestic helper, after which processing the paperwork can be done by one of our partner agencies, in particular for those who are not familiar with the HK Immigration Department process.
If you need more names of agencies, you will have to take them from the supplementary sheets of the Arabic news papers, al sharq, they have at least two pages of recruitment agency names. Although the papers are in Arabic, the names will be in English,with tel no.s and email addresses.
If you don't know Arabic, you can ask someone to show to that page.
Getting a maid from the agency is pure luck. You will need to call them, check the cvs they have, interview the candidates and then process the request. The agencies can get the maids in 35-60 days time, depending upon the release of passports in the home country. The agencies will email you the cvs, so you don't need to visit them personally.
Service charges are 9000-12000 qar,you need to give them the visa approval, they will do the rest of the work till the maid is here.
I can refer you to nasser buhendi recruitment agency, 44311674. Ask for jovelyn.
If you need more names of agencies, you will have to take them from the supplementary sheets of the Arabic news papers, al sharq, they have at least two pages of recruitment agency names. Although the papers are Arabic, the names will be in English,with tel no.s and email addresses.
If you don't know Arabic, you can ask someone to show to that page.