Beverly Hills AL Rayyan Information request

I'm next to move from Italy with my family for what is supposed to be a long term stay in Doha.
We have three daughters of 6, 3 and 1 y.o. so, at the moment, I'm looking for a good school for my two eldest daughters and for a good location to live in.
I just got the chance to send my kids at Compass School located in Al Rayyan and this is the main reason why I'm interested in Beverly Hills Al Rayyan compound.
I would like to know if there is any Italian family living there and, if affirmative, if there is any chance to get in touch with.
One of my problems is due to the fact that my wife does not speak any English at the moment so I'm trying to get some local support if possible.
Nevertheless I'm also interested in a general feedback about the compound and in knowing if there is any other family having their children at Compass school in Al Rayyan.
Any help from your side will be greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot for your time and support, wishing to hearing from you soon.
contact me
ciao a tutti, mi fa piacere sentire che ci sono italiani a doha.
io mi trasferirò tra luglio e agosto con due bambini di 6 e 4 anni, per raggiungere mio marito che partirà prima, sperando che al nostro arrivo abbia già trovato una sistemazione comoda per tutta la famiglia.
ci stiamo un pò documentando sulle possibili zone su cui la ricerca dovrebbe concentrarsi, ma come potete immaginare sulla mappa è decisamente più difficile avere una chiara idea dei luoghi, rispetto che poter scegliere dopo aver già vissuto e conosciuto un pò la città.
tanti dubbi riguardano anche le scuole da far frequentare ai bambini; per il momento l'unica che pare abbia posto è la Compass di Al Rayyan.
se qualcuno ci può dare qualche informazione o qualche consiglio lo ringrazio sin da ora.
sarebbe bello potervi incontrare e mi rincuora sapere che c'è qualche altra moglie che oltre a tutti i cambiamenti deve cimentarsi anche a studiare l'inglese!!!
la mia email è: [email protected]
occupato mani vivaio alrrayan, ora aprire è un asilo nido e assistenza diurna
proprio di fronte alrayyan baverly colline composto
licenza dal Ministero segue il curriculum internazionale per scuola materna e asilo nido
durante l'estate hanno un campo estivo, se siete alla ricerca di un divertimento molto per aiutare il bambino ha una grande esperienza di apprendimento. è il caso per i bambini yu per imparare l'inglese
Per ulteriori informazioni chiamare 66552897
busy hands nursery alrrayan, now open it is a nursery &day care
just opposite alrayyan baverly hills compound
licensed by ministry follows the international curriculum for kindergarden and nursery
during summer they have summer camp if you are looking for a lot fun to help the child have a great learning experience.
for more information call 66552897
i'm italian too and i'll move to Doha from the 22nd July,
my wife also doesn't speak english, instead my 2 daugthers 5 and 3 are attending an english kindergarten in italy, at the moment we got places at ACS school in Al Gharrafa and we are looking at the area of Al rayyan or Al Gharrafa for the house. i was in Doha with my wife at the end of April and we took a look at Beverly al Rayyan.Actually it's one of the best compound i've seen in the area, but 18K for a villa was actually too much.If anybody has some advice of compounds in the area with same amenities as the Beverly but at a cheaper price is welcome.
Ciao Fabrizio
Sono nella tua stessa situazione, arrivero' a Doha il 1 giugno.
hai gia trovato casa?
Anche io sto cercando casa in zona Al rayyad.
Mia moglie e i miei due bambini 4 e 6 anni non parlano inglese.
Magari possiamo incontrarci al mio arrivo.
fammi sapere.
ciao Riccardo
If you are still looking for villas we can help
we are real estate company and we can help you find villas almost anywhere in qatar.
let me know if you require my help.
Best Of Luck
Thanks a lot joLu. I appreciate your reply.
Glad to hear you have school placement already. Beverly Hills Al Rayyan is a great compound, from my outsider perspective. It has a lot of families and facilities and relatively easy access onto the highway if you are going anywhere else. It will sure make your stay here easier to have home close to school with three little ones. Compass is apparently one of the better English medium schools accepting English 2nd language pupils. There may well be some other Italian families to meet through the school. Have seen Spanish playgroups advertised on Doha Mums, not sure the strength of the Italian community as such, in Doha or in Al Rayyan but sure there will be some somewhere! Would recommend you facilitate your families membership with Doha Mums for the invaluable support to be found there. Mom can then surely also pick up English quicker in parallel with your 6yo ;-)