about cat care

i feed my cat three times a day,but at times her appetite wanes.i havent a slightest clue and i dnt want to assume its the weather since i feed her inside the house.ive given her canned tuna,dried fish,some chicken and dried nibbles.i give her water and she drinks it,but if i try giving her milk,oatmeal and scrambled eggs but she seems not to like these.howcan i make her eat other things?
i also want to know is it normal for her to sleep much during the day?she is very active during night time and likes to jump around the bed often waking me up.
lastly why does she get jumpy when i bring her out of my room to go out to work?this week alone,i was getting a negative vibe from her when i brought her out of the house and she clawed her way out of my arms like she is afraid of something.is there a way of calming her when i take her outside?
i would appreciate to get some sound advice.
for your comments.im trying my best to give her food teice a day and i buy her catfood from the grocery and at times give her treats.
about the rabies injection i have yet to go to a vet and have her injected.
thanks oryx for the link you gave me.
it's better you gave her a cat food, royal canine is good. you can also give her some treats you can find it in supermarket or pet clinic. you can give your cat 3x a day but not to much, you can check her weight so can know how much the food you will give. by the way is it still kitten? or adult already. and by taking her out of the hause you can teach her little by little and how you handle her. maybe she's not playing with other cat or other human to get long with.
feed cats spinach and see them grow muscles like popeye
rubbish cabbage, cats should not drink milk because it is bad for their liver and cats should never live off a veggie diet because there is some protein or vitamin in meat that they need to survive, sure they can have a little bit of non meat food but not predominantly, why do you think cats are hunters and dogs are scavengers, dogs can eat pretty much anything you give them, cats would die if they did not get some meat in their diet.
True Britey, looks like a CATalyst for change in the employment market of ME!
Perhaps she's working as a Purr-formance analyst :o)
A cat on job visa?which company?
"lastly why does she get jumpy when i bring her out of my room to go out to work?"
There's the problem. Cats, like me, hate going to work :o(
double post!.
Cabbage why do you read the leaflet from the UK cat protection league I put as a link?
This isn't a wild cat it is a domestic and I guess the owner is looking for optimum health and life span.
Which reminds me shoe....has you cat had its flu injection and rabies? I can tell you were to buy the flu injection and the government vet will inject it free of charge and give rabies free. Plus it get's a little passport approved by the ministry of environment.
As a farmer’s daughter that has had cats 'as pets' and has had 'wild cats' visiting...cats take what is given.
So does any mammal or animal – they are hungry; so they eat.
Cats drink milk or water in equal amounts.
We are in danger of turning animals into fussy eaters like our children.
If animals or children are hungry they eat what is given to them - no allergies or sensitivity to anything.
Don't give your cat milk
Cats are nocturnal so will play at night and sleep during the day
Feed it crunchies like Purina brand or Friskies... don't give it eggs and oatmeal etc
this is a good leaflet about cat feeding
PS, common misconception that cats like milk, some might, some might not, but actually it is not tht good for their liver
get normal cat food from supermarket for the cat's 2 meals a day and give the occasional treat of cheap fish (raw or poached), this will suffice for kitty
First things first. Stop treating your cat like a dog, do not give it 3 meals a day, it only needs 2 (and plenty of fresh water). Cats need meat in their diet, no more oatmeal.
The cat may not like going outside because it might smell other cats whose territory it is.
Cats can sleep up to 18 hours a day.
If you cat is happy for 2 meat meals a day, is not losing weight and generally seems active I would not worry, otherwise if you still worry, take it to the vets