6 Reasons to Tint Your Car

By Rayz donttry •
click the link above....y is not allowed to tint(window film) on front passenger & driver side window , rear and back window????
is there any way i can get permit from muruur
Gift to Sabeera ? no body want your appreciations
thanq sabeera for the best answer.
so much comments.. foOl out of them......
LOL LP, driving related threads still bring out the best in you.
tint is a transparent film....i dint mention anything about curtains..growup
Lol Rizks
chancellor its not my problem if ur GF's dont like to see your face all the time....:(
Uhu, they do it to maintain illicit relations! Got you, dota.
some people are doing that because they want privacy with their GF's or BF's especially at night.... :P
You can trust vice-chancellor, he is a good person
The Law is a maximum of 30% tint on the Rear windows.
You can have Black only on the Back window if you say that a Women will be in the back seat and want's privecy,
It is illegel to have tint on the back especially illegal to have tint on the front wind screen,
Your only allowed to have transparent sun block,
Yes there are those that do it anyway,however i can tell you that when the police stop you.
your fined on the spot andForced to remove it in front of them it's happened to alot my Qatari friends who thought they could get away with it
You need a permit to put tint on this costs between around 20Qr and be obtained very easily by showing your ISTIMARA at the Trafic Authority
YOU sure have a problem then, chancellor.
she is very much pretty but I dont trust peoples like rizks, smoke, LP, Khann and Brit.
Is she that ugly, chancellor?
no body seen my "girl priend" especially my wife
Tints are a pain.. Ever tried reversing or coming out of a parking space in a car with tinted windows ?
Sorry, baldrick. These traffic rules from developed countries made me say that. Can't get them out of my memory.
LP, why do you need to see? Nobody bothers to look so why not paint the windows to colour coordinate with the rest of the car. Oh, and tint your headlights too so you don't have to see at night either!
Go for the branded tint films & you'll get permission from Maroor.
As per qatar law you can not tint the front windows and only the back windows with permission from the traffic department
Why don't you stay at home and close the curtains? Have you ever thought that you have to SEE when you're driving?