young couple looking for job

hallo!! we are a young couple from greece and looking for relocating to other country like Qatar i wonder how is living to Qatar the saleries and the quality of life?and how eazy to find a job i am a hairdresser with high experiense 12 years i have my salon but with economic crises the thinks are very dificult my husband work is drywalls and special structures is the first time tha i write in a forum and i really want some answers thank you Efi!
Well, its not about (just) the nationality. I'll give you a simple example; an asian barber cuts the rear base very nicely & cleanly or maybe lets it hang or roll in its whatever natural way. Some customers might be looking for something happening in that not-so-noticed-by-all part, asians dont understand that, I tried. Otherwise, If its an asian who gives attention to detail then why not?
ok thanks for all the answers but you confused me really well i am not asian i am from greece i have a very luxury salon in my country but the economic crisis is not frendly with us so we looking for relocating to other country and i am asking if in qatar they are also good salons because not the same all the haircuts!!! and we dont do all the same work!!!
I wonder what NATIONALITY has to do with HAIR CUTTING??
Glow and Dados have had European hairstylists - I have found a gem of a filipina lady who does exactly what I want and what suits me - I don't look at nationality - I look for talent. And like a lot of things in life, the lady who does a good job on my hair, may not suit you. Fortunately for most, hair grows back.
LOL!! I am, so according to that I'm going to have to go to them?
Mary, could you tell me what european saloons you been to? Been looking & giving up
The problem here with European hairdressers is if you're not running your own salon (with a Qatari sponsor of course) you're not making a lot of money. I believe that the hairdressers at European salons here make an OK wage, but they are housed together (don't know how many, probably 2 or 3 depending on the # of bedrooms) in apartments - don't know about tickets or medicals or even hours workd. Hubby certainly wouldn't be included in that equation.
Agree with B2Ds assessment of hubby's job prospects.
I'm sure the ladies of QL will tell you they'd love a European hairdresser!
As to drywall, the market is dominated by cheap Asian labour and that is who you man would be competing against. While I'm sure his work would be of high standard, the salaries on offer might not be suitable. He might want to look at becoming a chargehand or supervisor as a minimum.